Who Are Going For Herbal Diet And Why?
Within the last decade the use of alternative medicines, and herbal products in particular, has increased
In the year 2001, Americans spent almost $4.2 billion on herbal and botanical remedies. This coincided with
extensive media coverage of the benefits that people were enjoying from herbal remedies.
The percentage of people who were using dietary supplements increased from 14.2% (1998) to 18.8% (2002), with the
low spot of 12.3% in 2000 and the highest peak at 19.8% in 2001.
The number of people ages 45-64 who were taking supplements increased by 50% between 1998-99 and 2001-02.
Broadly speaking it was discovered that the majority of people taking dietary supplements were older and mostly
female (59.9% as compared to 55.5% of males).
There are many reasons for this increase, not the least being that herbal supplements do in fact being many
benefits with them. People can take herbs and supplements for any number of reasons. There are herbs like Echinacea
that are extremely helpful in case of common cold or flu. If you feel constantly lethargic even when there is no
weakness in the body then perhaps Ginseng tea can help to give you a boost of energy instead of a cappuccino.
Ginseng can also increase sexual stamina, reduce stress levels, and fight against aging effects like memory loss.
Herbal medicine is varied and within its diversity it covers a broad range of conditions where it can be effectively
applied for treatment. Furthermore, these treatments are conducted on several different levels that can range from
generic every day problems that need nothing more than symptomatic relief to completely customized prescriptions
that are prepared for individual conditions in patients that have undergone extensive analysis and examination at
the hands of an experienced medical herbalist.
Some herbals remedies do not require consulting a qualified medical herbalist. Minor problems like mild infections,
cold, cough, catarrh, stomach cramps or gas, indigestion, constipation, etc. can be cured with self-help using over
the counter herbal remedies. Self-medication using herbal remedies has never been easier thanks to the limitless
information that is available today, mostly though the Internet. All it needs is a little investment of time in
order to peruse these websites and anyone can make an informed decision without having to visit a medical herbalist.
In the 10th century, Arabs invented a process of distillation for the extraction of essential oils from plants.
These oils were inhaled as aromas, drunk as potions, and worn aromatic amulets. This is one of the first uses of
aromas as personal scent preference. This is allegedly the root behind the use of perfumes and modern day
deodorants. Nowadays, this extraction process is mainly used to get the oil from plants and flowers for use in
aromatherapy. This form of therapy that involves nothing more than deep inhalation of different types of herbal
oils is being used to treat a wide spectrum of maladies, both physical and emotional. Headaches, herpes, dry skin,
acne, arthritis, and asthma are just a few examples of the problems that people have cured using aromatherapy.
Recently, France and England started the process of reintroducing the various ancient healing techniques to the
western world. This began in 1990 and aromatherapy gained a wider acceptance in the traditional community since
that time.
France remains the world leader in rediscovering modern uses for ancient healing techniques. Several prominent
French doctors prescribe aromatic remedies as a matter of routine for most of their patients. A visit to most
French pharmacies will reveal that all of them are well stocked in a wide array of essential oils. Insurance
companies in France are more than willing to pay for treatments involving aromatherapy and other traditional
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