Chinese Herbal Medicine
You should be able to find several indispensable facts about Chinese Herbal Medicine in the following
paragraphs. If there's at least one fact you didn't know before, imagine the difference it might make.
If you find yourself confused by what you've read to this point, don't despair. Everything should be crystal
clear by the time you finish.
One of the oldest cultures that carried out a thorough study of herbs and other plant life related to human
health was ancient China. Chinese Herbal Medicine, also referred to as CHM, went through many evolutions,
as the knowledge grew more and more refined. Remember that the nature of illnesses that afflict humanity change over
time. Over the thousands of years that CHM was, so to speak, in development, the nature of these afflictions changed
and CHM had to change its mode of thinking and conduct more research to combat new invasions of the human body.
Chinese hospitals use all the advantages offered by modern medicinal research and techniques while at the same time
they rely on their ages old CHM to treat many diseases and disorders.
Chinese Herbal Medicine claims that it can cure any kind of disease. This claim is good when you consider that CHM
takes the preventative approach rather than the curative one. CHM first tries to make sure that no disease can
affect the body and in case it does, early detection makes preventative cures possible. However, even Chinese
Herbal Medicine can do little against a problem like third-stage cancer.
After pharmaceutical drugs, a majority of the world population uses Chinese Herbal Medicine as a first alternative.
CHM also produces fewer side effects when compared to mainstream pharmaceutical drugs.
The duration of treatment using CHM depends on the type of disease and its severity. Therefore, there is no
predefined period of treatment. It is customized to be shorter or longer as needed.
Some common ailments that can be treated with the help of CHM are allergies, digestion problems, problems resulting
from respiratory tract complications, immune system disorders, many types of pains (internal and external),
psychological disorders and fallout problems, most diseases that afflict children and infants, an assortment of
gynecological complications.
There is no particular age limit applicable to the use of Chinese Herbal Medicine. Nor is there any restriction
based on personal constitutions. However, like any form of treatment, it is best to know of existing symptoms and
previous medical history (especially relating to medicinal conflicts and reactions, or allergies) that need due
consideration before even a dose of CHM is prescribed. Other than that, there is no problem in prescribing Chinese
Herbal Medicine to pregnant women or women who are breast-feeding. Of course, a lot depends on what is being
Chinese Herbal Medicines are available in different forms and there is the choice between traditional CHM and the
modernized versions. Some people find it difficult to adjust to the peculiar taste of CHM but just keep at it and it
will soon become acceptable.
There is no standard pricing scheme for CHM and so you might have to fish a bit to find the right price. Also, note
that recently insurance companies have started covering herbal treatment. So if you are into herbal medicines have
yet to take out an insurance policy you might want to investigate this possibility with your insurance provider.
One way Chinese Herbal Medicine does its magic is by removing excess toxins from the body. This is done in many ways.
One method is the colonic dialysis therapy. This therapy is especially effective with people who are trying to
overcome addictions. While the human body gathers toxins from all sorts of sources on a daily basis, addictions
result in rapid toxin build up in a very short time. What is worse, depending on the type of addiction, natural
toxin excretion from the body is inhibited. Colonic dialysis therapy overcomes these inhibitions and provides a
quick exit route for the accumulated toxins. For people who are blessed enough to escape addictions the natural
toxin release mechanism is given a boost by colonic dialysis therapy.
Currently the PLA Institute of Drug Dependence Treatment and Rehabilitation is busy doing earnest research to study
how colonic dialysis therapy can help people who have been long-term addicts of heroin. The primary focus of this
research is to determine whether colonic dialysis therapy helps these people to abstain from heroin and whether it
can reduce craving and the resulting withdrawal symptoms.
The doctors of the Royal Free Hospital, London, carried out another scientific study of Chinese Herbal Medicine.
In this study, Chinese remedies were evaluated for the help they might offer to dermatitis patients. About ten
different types of herbs were mixed together to create the "cure" that was being tested. This mixture was then given
to forty adult patients who had a long medical history of coping with atopic dermatitis (commonly known as eczema).
The evaluation period lasted for five months. During an eight-week period in this study, patients were randomly
given either the mixture that was being tested or a placebo that tasted and looked just the same. This is normally
done so that patient responses can be monitored under blind circumstances. Out of the forty patients, thirty-one
stayed through the entire course of the study and they all displayed continuous and rapid improvement in erythema
(redness of skin caused by eczema). Obviously, the study concluded that Chinese Herbal Medicine was an effective
remedy for adult atopic dermatitis.
Now might be a good time to write down the main points covered above. The act of putting it down on paper will help
you remember what's important about chinese herbal medicine.
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