Natural Herbal Recipe
If you find yourself confused by what you've read to this point, don't despair. Everything should be crystal clear
by the time you finish.
It is very easy to make your own herbal medicines. In fact, since most herbal remedies are best consumed when they
are at their freshest you even have the best of all choices: grown your own herbs and make your own fresh remedies.
However, it is important to have a thorough knowledge of the process of making your own remedies or even
homegrown fresh herbs will go to waste.
Always keep in mind that unlike modern medicines herbal remedies are not a one-day affair. They take time to
show their full effect because they work more gradually.
When preparing your own herbal remedies always use a non-metallic or enamel pot.
Infusions are mostly tea-like beverages that are made by combining fresh herbs and boiled water. The common
method is steeping. Typical ratios are about 1/2 or one ounce of herbs to one pint of boiled water. The
mixture should be allowed to steep for at least 10 minutes. After that, you should strain the infusion into a
Cold extracts make use of cold water instead of boiling water. The advantage is that unlike boiling some of
the more volatile ingredients in herbs are not wasted in the extraction process. To prepare cold extracts,
double the amount of herbal material and let it sit in cold water for about 12 hours then strain the mixture
before drinking.
Decoction is a method of preparation that focuses on extracting mineral salts rather than vitamins. You should
boil 1/2 ounce of herbs with one cup of water for 4-5 minutes. Steep the mixture for a couple of minutes
before using it.
Juice from herbs should not be made in a blender. Just chop and crush the herbs to squeeze out the juice. Add
some water to this concentrate and then squeeze some more, drink it immediately. Do not store juice extracted
this way.
Powder can be made from grinding your herbs when they are dried. The powder can then be taken with water,
milk, or soup.
Ointments can be prepared by adding olive oil to a previously prepared decoction and then putting it on simmer
until the water has evaporated. Beeswax may be included to improve consistency.
Essence can be prepared by dissolving one ounce of essential herbal oil in a pint of alcohol.
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