Herbal Medicine Cures
One of the oldest forms of health care that has been with humanity is herbal medicine. All over the world, across
several cultures, history is rife with evidence that our predecessors used herbs for medicinal purposes. This
should not come as a surprise because herbs, unlike modern medicine, are usually safe and do not involve as many
side effects.
The late twentieth century saw a reemergence of herbal remedies with the popular of herb-based medications
increasing dramatically. More and more hospitals are now offering herbal remedies as complementary alternative
treatments with conventional medicines. With this increase in public acceptance of herbal remedies, it has become
imperative to conduct studies that can help medical science to understand how herbal medicine works by interacting
chemically with our internal bodily functions.
Though it is normally true that herbs and medications derived from them produce fewer side effects than many
allopathic medicines taken for similar symptoms, it is important to remember that even plants contain certain
chemicals that can produce toxicity after long-term use. Also, while plant based medicines are usually safe even
they can be abused. Unlike allopathic medicines that have trouble staying in the body for extended periods, herbal
chemicals can create residues in the body and over a long time this slow poisoning can lead to sickness that cannot
be diagnosed or even death.
Just like other medications and food supplements there is always the condition and body type of the individual to
be considered before prescribing anything. Many health conditions and complications make it necessary for people
with those problems to avoid certain types of herbal medicine.
Ask any doctor, they will tell you that it is a very bad and risky idea to mix medications. In certain cases, this
applies to herbal medicines as well. They should never be mixed with other herbs (or extracts) and medications.
When hospitals offer herbal therapies as complimentary alternative treatments they make certain that the reaction
of the herbs will not conflict with the main course of medication administered. This is not something you should
mix and match at home. Consult your doctor before making a medicinal cocktail. Obviously, should you notice any
symptoms that ring your internal warning bell, please rush to your doctor immediately.
One of the things that people often do wrong is attempt to self-diagnose minor ailments. This is a classic medical
trap that most medical students learn very early. Symptoms are so easy to misread that it is common for people to
assume that the minor problem they have is actually some serious, life threatening issue. Conversely, bad reading
of serious symptoms as being related to some minor problem instead of the real thing is equally dangerous. Do not
attempt to self-diagnose if you are not from a medical background and even then, be very careful.
Trying a treatment without understanding the problem will most likely create a whole slew of problems that you
never had before.
Do not assume that just because you are taking herbs then it does not matter because they will not harm you anyway.
Precautions are necessary even with relatively harmless medications.
Since herbal medicines have not been properly scrutinized, the values attributed to them are based on broad
generalized descriptions that originated thousands of years ago. Ancient texts explain a lot of things but do not
actually tell us how herbal medicine works. We just know through experience and observation that they do. In light
of this, it becomes difficult to determine beforehand certain medicinal puzzles like:
*) What can be the possible side effects
*) What internal complications/medication conflicts can create problems
*) What is the maximum and minimum range for a safe dose for a specific patient
*) How many different herbs should be there in each dose
*) How does a patient or healer know that an overdose has happened
It is impossible to know how safe a particular herbal mixture is unless you know precisely the exact contents of
the mixture along with a breakdown in terms of the number of herbs and the proportional content of each herb.
Simply taking too much of it in the hopes that things will work out for the best is a dangerous choice to follow
because of certain toxic side effects of the chemicals in herbal medicines.
Certain cases were reported in the past where a lack of understanding, like the points listed above, or worse, an
overwhelming underestimation of the potency of herbal medicines had caused the medical conditions of people to
worsen by several degrees. Some of these people underwent hospitalized, not for their original ailment but just to
treat the side effects of improperly administered herbal medicine. Thanks to the modern media hype surrounding
natural products as opposed to industrially manufactured ones, there has developed a tendency for developed
nations to think that "natural" and "safe" are synonymous. They are nothing of the sort and it would be prudent to
avoid that particular confusion.
All this should not discourage you or cause you to look at herbal medicine as something practiced by quacks
and fraught with danger. As mentioned earlier, this healing technique has been around for a long, long time
and has mostly benefited humanity. When there has been a problem, it has been due to incompetent judgment on
part of the healer or an overdose by the patient. With a little care and discretion, anyone can take herbal
supplements or medicines.
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