Popularity Of Herbal Therapy
So far, we've uncovered some interesting facts about herbal. You may decide that the following information is even
more interesting.
In May 2004, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine conducted a survey. The focus of this
survey was on people who had used Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM), what particular types of treatments
were used, and why did the people choose for the complementary medicine option.
The results of this survey indicated that, with the exclusion of prayer, herbal therapy (or the use of natural
products besides vitamins and minerals) was the highest used complementary and alternative medicine. 18.9% opted for
herbal therapy over all other forms of complementary and alternative medicines.
Here are a few samples of medicines used in herbal therapy.
*) A variety of plants (including artichoke) help to reduce the total serum cholesterol levels.
*) Plants like black cohosh (and others that contain phytoestrogens or active estrogen) have proven effective in
treating symptoms of menopause.
*) A limited number of studies have reported that the average length of common cold can be reduced by using
echinacea extracts.
*) Garlic is a herb that provides multiple benefits like lowering of cholesterol levels, lowering blood pressures,
and reducing platelet aggregation.
*) Another highly diverse medicinal plant is black cumin (nigella sativa). Common ailments that can be cured using
black cumin include: cough, pulmonary infections, asthma, influenza, allergy, hypertension, and stomachache.
The seeds of black cumin are classified as carminative, stimulant, diuretic, and galactogogue. Seed powder or oil
from black cumin can be applied externally in case of skin eruptions.
Digestive tract problems including irritable bowel syndrome and nausea can be relieved by drinking peppermint tea.
*) Rauvolfa serpentina is one of the oldest and most widely used herbs in India. It is applied for treating problems
like insomnia, anxiety, and hypertension. This herb is also the foundation for the first plant based allopathic drug
that was developed to combat high blood pressure.
*) In some clinical trials it has been discovered that St. John's wort, a most dangerous chemical, can be highly
effective in cases of mild to moderate depression.
*) Another plant root that can be used in the treatment of sleeplessness is valerian.
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