Behavior Problems of Adolescents with Attention Deficit Disorder

Attention deficit disorder is a neurological or behavioral disorder that usually is diagnosed among kids under the age of 7 years. In the past, the condition was not widely recognized, but because reported cases are gaining in volumes, many people are now aware of this disorder. It could be carried out until puberty. However, there are rarely reported cases of adolescents that manifest the condition. When such cases arise, there is a compelling reason to be bothered as there are unwanted behavior problems involved.

According to census data, boys are more often diagnosed with the condition. That does not mean that girls are spared from attention deficit disorder. It is still a matter of debate, but several experts argue that the number of cases for girls and boys are the same, only that girls do not usually manifest the normal sign of the disorder, which is hyperactivity.

As you all know, childhood years are the formative stages of an individual. When the person reaches adolescence, what he or she has become usually indicates what he or she would be as an adult. In that case, when an adolescent has attention deficit disorder, what could become of him or her? The usual observation: the adolescent is apparently drawn out: socially, behaviorally, mentally and emotionally.

The adolescent would still show signs of difficulty in concentrating to achieve and execute tasks. Because tasks and responsibilities are accumulating and getting eventually complicated as people grow up, the adolescent with attention deficit disorder is held back and is left behind by adolescents of the same age.

The principal manifestations of attention deficit disorder in adolescents, just like in kids, are inattentiveness and lack of focus. For sure, the person would desire to finish a given task to him, but unfortunately, distractions easily prevent him from doing so. The teenager usually underperforms in the class as a result. That is because aside from inability to finish tasks like homeworks and exams, he would likely have learning disability. He could excel in a particular subject of interest, but he would do extremely poor in other subjects.

The adolescent would also find it hard to maintain relationships. He tends to become a loner because he could not interact well and nicely with people. If he gets into a romantic involvement, which could be rarely the case, he would find it hard to sustain and maintain it because the other person would not normally understand differences in behavior. Be reminded that behavior problems are common in such cases.

The adolescent also tends to seem extremely shy that he would not even look anyone in the eye even if he is talking to someone. Rapport is impossible, although no communication problem could be apparent.

Is it too late? Of course, it is not. It would be better if parents have sought help about the adolescent's condition earlier in the person's life, but there are still effective measures to help the person overcome the disorder. Though there is no known and definite medical treatment, there are special medications and behavioral therapies that would surely help. Seek doctors' and psychologists' advice for those possible treatments.

Generally, counseling would be of great help for the adolescent. There are just too many concerns in adolescence that when the one with attention deficit disorder is left to handle alone, would lead to destructive and inferior behaviors. Seek counseling from reliable and accredited therapists for such conditions.

As a friend, a parent, a teacher or a relative, your utmost cooperation would also be of much use in helping the adolescent get over the disorder. Try not to treat the person differently. You must make him feel like he is an ordinary person, just like anybody else. Be patient and understanding when he exhibits behavior problems that are obviously linked to the condition. It would be hard, but your patience and moral support would be needed by the patient. Do that and eventually you would find that the person is improving.


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