Approaching Behavior Problems In Schools

A person’s behavior is influenced by a lot of people, the environment and the community he is part of. Social institutions like schools play a major role on the development of a child’s behavior. It is not only about student and teacher relations, but peer relationships as well. Students who have behavior problems at schools should be dealt with immediately to avoid potential problems.

Teachers and school infoistrators should not work alone. It is crucial to create a good relationship with the parents for the benefit of the students. Parents could volunteer in school activities and staff events to see what is happening inside the school.

Parents should also pay attention to what their children would say about school. Most children would only say good things about school since they think that their parents are only hoping to hear good news. Let your kids know that even negative feedback about school is okay and you would not judge them. it is important to talk to them since bottled up emotions could become an emotional and behavioral outburst.

Pressure is also something that makes things difficult for children and teens. In some cases, parents may think that they are motivating their children to do well in academics. Children may think that what they are getting are unrealistic expectations and failure to meet these could cause serious damage to their confidence. In worst cases, it can push them to depression or anxiety.

If a parent is receiving complaints from the school, then a Functional Behavior Assessment should be provided by school personnel or guidance counsellor. This would determine what behavior is considered problematic and what measures could be taken. But it is not the parents who are in school, it is the teachers, staff and school management and infoistrators.

Common issues in school like trying to fit in, wanting to be popular, and peer pressure could push children and teens in doing negative behavior not only inside the campus, but also outside. Middle and high schools would often have the disadvantages and struggling students who will withdraw from socially interacting with other students to avoid being humiliated and getting hurt. Sometimes, this withdrawal and wanting to be isolated is part of the adolescent phase.

Upon recognizing behavioral or any potential problems, it is important for the adviser or guidance councillor to contact the parents of the child. It is not just enough to send letters informing their child’s behavior, it is important to talk them directly. Of course, when talking to parents, make sure that claims about their child’s inappropriate behavior is supported by an evaluation.

Class advisers should be prepared with their behavior and discipline management plan. Classroom management is definitely hard to learn and practice according to teachers. Be consistent with the rules set inside the room and make sure that everybody knows about the house rules. Avoid making an exception. A single exception could lead to more rule breakers and probably problems.

Your classroom discipline and management plan should be fit with the school politicises. Teachers and parents could definitely take steps in dealing with behavior problems, but is does not only rely on them. Correcting a person’s behavior is not a guarantee. It could take a while, it could also recur. It is a long process and definitely you would need patience, consistency, encouragement and motivation.


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