Rosea Rhodiola Safety Concerns And Buying Properly

Roseroot and Golden Root, these are the names that Rosea Rhodiola is also known. It is a herbal medicine that is used to treat a number of health conditions mainly including stress, depression, anxiety, fatigue, cardiovascular disorders, high cholesterol, and much more. It has been earning rave reviews lately due to the fact that medical studies have proven that it is indeed an effective dietary supplement that is able to treat medicinal claims from age old European and Asian cultures dating back to 77 AD.

Many people today are turning towards herbal medicines and other forms of alternative treatments because they do not have the devastating side effects of manmade pharmaceutical medications based on dangerous chemicals. If its natural, there must be no deadly side effects right?

Right, and somewhat wrong. While it is true that there are no deadly side effects, there are still some side effects, albeit rarely does it occur. These side effects with Rosea Rhodiola are very minor and don’t pose any life threatening or long term danger to our body’s health and well-being. Some of the side effects that a few people who take Rosea Rhodiola may experience are insomnia, dizziness, irritability, and a dry mouth. Also, because studies have not been complete on the effects of Rosea Rhodiola to the unborn and to infants, it is advised that expecting mothers and those who breast feed should refrain from taking Rosea Rhodiola.

These side effects also often occur to those who ignore expert advice and do not seek professional consultation and often would take a high dosage. Many experts agree that the reasonable amount of Rosea Rhodiola ingestion would be around 340 to 680 milligrams a day in tablet form. Also, it is safe to use the supplement continually for up to ten weeks.

Another way to ensure your safety, when using Rosea Rhodiola products, is to make sure that you are able to find a source that is reputable and sells legitimate Rosea Rhodiola products. Because of the rising popularity of Rosea Rhodiola, there are scrupulous entities that have decided to make a living out of selling fake or inferior Rosea Rhodiola brands. Many of these come from websites who offer extremely lowered prices to entice consumers.

First you have to know what makes a top quality and effective Rosea Rhodiola supplement. Not all Rosea Rhodiola supplements are created equal, Even though the product claims that there is a high amount of Rosea Rhodiola inside, what’s important is that the active ingredient which makes Rosea Rhodiola effective is inside. This active ingredient is called rosavins. There should be ample amount of rosavins to ensure that you are receiving optimum Health benefits. Check the label to see the level of concentration of rosavins there is. If there is only a small amount, this is an inferior product. Normally, for every 100 mg capsule, there should be about 6 percent rosavins. If thee is no label, then you shouldn’t even think about buying the product at all.


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