Xbox 360 Rapid Fire Controller Mod: Essential for Serious GamerAnother great advantage of the rapid fire controller mod for Xbox 360 is that it will make the already automatic weapon more accurate as it will help eliminate much of the recoil of the gun you fire. This particular controller mod will be able to allow you to shoot weapons that normally require you to push the R trigger over and over again at a much faster rate. In fact, it will make you a lot faster than the average person. With the rapid fire controller mod for your Xbox 360, you will definitely eliminate your opponents out of the competition at a much faster and easier way. As of today, the controller mod works for most of the hottest games for Xbox 360, such as Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, Halo 2 and 3, and even for the very popular Call of Duty 4 and Unreal Tournament 3. As you might have noticed, the mentioned games are games where shooting faster means winning. With the rapid fire controller mod, you can be sure that it will be able to help you win the games you play on your Xbox 360. So, just how do you get a rapid fire controller mod for your Xbox 360? Well, you need to remember that these things aren’t available in the market. However, it can be made by people who are handy with electronics. In fact, if you know a bit about soldering and about electronics, you can even make your own and even make money out of it as a lot of gamers out there want to have the advantage. Although you can do this yourself, you might want to remember that if you are not familiar with the controller and the things that you need to solder on to your Xbox 360 controller, you might want to consider leaving it to the professionals. They will be able to convert your controller in to a rapid fire controller mod in no time at all and also make it much more efficient. As you can see, having a rapid fire controller mod for your Xbox 360 will definitely give you the advantage over your opponents. With controllers like this, you can be sure that you will be able to win almost every game you play. Whether you love playing online with other people or offline by yourself, the rapid fire controller mode will be able to help you win the game and score more points. So, if you want to have a tool where you will have the advantage over your opponents in an Xbox 360 game, you might want to consider getting a rapid fire controller mod made especially for you. With controllers like this, you can be sure that victory will always be with you. Remember these tips and you will be able to have something to brag about the next time you play online with your Xbox 360 with your friends. Comments |
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