Worm Farm: More Than Just Lose Earth

Worm farms? Sometimes you wonder if you have heard things correctly.

Worm farming or vermicomposting is the process of getting compost, vermicast or worm humus and waste from organic matter being broken down by earthworms. Through worm farming, we are able to get the best organic fertilizer that ca condition the soil in producing good crops and produce.

This practice is being done by gardeners and environmentalists to aid in waste reduction. Most of the requirements for worm farming would be both yard and kitchen wastes. Vermicomposting or worm farming can put kitchen waste into use and produce black, earth smelling and nutrient rich humus.

Earthworms are the primary workers for creating rich, organic humus. Earthworms and bacteria are the primary catalyst for the decomposition process. Other species like insects, other worms and molds also play an important role in the decomposition process. Earthworms mostly used in this process are the Red wigglers. This kind of composting worm can be found in different parts of Europe and South America. They are present in rotting vegetables, compost and of course piles of manure or animal wastes.

The kind of compost produced by the vermicomposting process is odorless, clean, and organic. It also has high quantities of micronutrients N, P, and K which are very important for the growth of plants. Aside from providing necessary nutrients, it also environmental friendly, since it helps in recycling energy. Aside from being eco-friendly, it also non-toxic and uses low energy to aid the process.

Ever since the wide use of chemical pesticides, people have been expressing their concern on the effects of chemical fertilizer residue left on the crops and produce. In a 2001 study, results showed that children who ate organically grown produce have lower organophosphorus pesticide exposure than children who do not eat organic.

Though most of the studies conducted are limited on the levels of organophosphorus and not on its effects, there are assumptions that those with lower levels have lower risk of neurological health problems.

Food grown organically, therefore, can be said to have higher nutritional value than food grown using modern conventional methods. It is just simple, healthy plants mean healthy people. And this is what vermicomposting hopes to achieve.

You can use the humus from the worms as another layer of rich soil in your potted plants. Another way is by directly adding the humus in the soil while repotting. Another good thing about this kind of organic fertilizer there is no need to worry about overfertilizing or accidentally burning or harming the plant due to excessive exposure to chemicals.

Worm farming is not only something that you can do in your on backyard. Yes, you can do this to reduce waste in your house and somehow help the environment. But this can also be a business venture. Through proper business strategies, surely you can start your own vermiculture business.

You can start your business by selling worm castings. You can check nurseries that would need organic fertilizer. You just need patience in educating people about the importance of organic farming and alternative ways of fertilizing the land.

Marketing or selling worms can b more different. Once in a while, a commercial vermicompost company would think of adding additional worms to their tiny working group. This commercial group would call a worm grower and most of the times, they buy the entire worm selection. Worm farms have indeed a bright marketing and economic future.


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