Wedding videography tips

People who are planning to get married these days no longer consider hiring wedding videography services because these are quite expensive. But, they also don’t want to miss out on their wedding souvenirs so they continue to search for alternatives to document their special day.

If you have a close friends is having this kind of problem for his or her wedding, why not try to give that friend an advance wedding gift by becoming a wedding videographer yourself? Today, more and more people are into covering their own events because of the convenience that technology brings. This trend has become possible through digital video cameras that are available in various price ranges and capabilities.

Becoming a wedding videographer

If you are into videos and even photography, giving your friend a free wedding videography coverage is probably the best present you could bestows the couple. This is the reason why you have to take some time off to learn at least the basics of wedding videography coverage and pick up some tips that you can use.

While it's true that digital video cameras do all the work in producing good images, it is still up to the user how he or she will compose the subject and how will he or she use the functions the camera video has. For newbies in wedding videography, here are some tips that can help you shoot like a pro despite using so-so digital video camera brands and types:

- Warm up tones using by adjusting the white balance setting of the digital video camera. Cozy images that have warm tones on them are better to look at compared to those, which are too bright yet plain. To get a cozy and warm effect, especially when you're shooting outdoor weddings, make sure that you change the white balance setting of your video camera from "auto" into "cloudy". This is because this adjustment will put a mild warming filter on the digital video camera setting that will increase the red and yellows shades that result to warmer and richer images.

- Make that outdoor portraits shine. Seasoned videographers agree that one of the greatest hidden features of today's digital video cameras is called the "fill flash" or the "flash on mode." If you want to revolutionize the outdoor images you usually shoot, try to take control of the light. Here, you can produce images that illuminate the subject especially in portraits.

- Blow up you shots using the macro mode. The macro mode is also considered as one of the hidden features of digital video cameras over traditional ones because it enables the user to take shots at a closer range without really stepping towards the subject. If you want to explore and take shots with finer details, try to activate the close up mode or the macro mode on your digital video camera that is usually come in the symbol of flower.

- Practice level framing on your shots. Most people are having hard time holding the video camera level especially when they use the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). This inability of taking images in a perfect horizontal line usually result to shots that can either be lopsided, titled, or cockeyed. When taking shots for a wedding videography coverage, make sure that you capture the images as level as possible by framing the scene at a straight line or by repositioning your video camera slightly.

Once you have mastered the art of level framing, you will learn to take images is more horizontal level.


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