Tutoring Tips: Handling Parents

If you are tutoring, then definitely you would’ve experienced high-pressure parents. There would be times when parents tend to be more difficult to handle than children. Tutors would tend to be stressed out, not from the tutees, but the parents of the students that they handle.

As a tutor, you would have to realize that giving tutees their lessons and helping them catch up with regular classes, are not their only responsibility. It is also the responsibility of tutors to help children come up with study habits and skills that would help them ease out the pressures of having high academic standing.

Children, mostly, would feel the pressures from their parents. As tutors, you could also help the tutees manage stress and deal with the pressure. You are not just providing supplemental education. Because you are dealing with children, it is necessary to provide support especially if there are tell-tale signs that children are struggling with stress and pressure.

As a tutor, you could also do some ways of handling stress of your own. High-pressure and overbearing parents could be a really stressing sometimes. There are ways which you can handle parents of your tutees.

• Set expectations and goals in the beginning.

When setting expectations, make sure that it is something that both child and parents participate and agree on. Parents want to see their children excelling or performing well and above average. That is why they hire tutors, you will be providing supplemental information therefore increase the depth of the child’s knowledge.

But you would have to manage these expectations. You need to help parents set realistic goals. Coming up with realistic goals will actually eliminate any future conflicts. When setting goals, you would need to base it on the status of the child and how fast he can improve or progress.

When meeting with the parents for the first time, show them how you will be handling their child’s lessons. Inform them about your method and style of teaching. This would also avoid any misunderstanding about your methods in the long run.

To check on the development of the child and if the goals are being met, you can schedule regular meetings with the parents. During these meetings, parents should be informed about the status of their children, any difficulties or challenges the child is having, and any changes about how or when the goals will be accomplished.

• Communicate plans to the parents.

Some tutors would actually maintain a healthy working relationship with the tutees teacher. This would make tutoring sessions in sync with the regular classes. This would also allow children to have same educational goals inside and outside school. Then it is important to communicate regularly with the teachers, there are many forms of communications anyway, like email, phone calls or personal visits.

Hearing these plans is very important for parents. This would actually signify how serious you are in helping their children improve academically. This would also make them trust you more and provide better references in the future.

• Overall healthy communication is important.

Communication does not only involve goal-setting and updating, once a while. You do not just convey and teach lessons. There are studies that showed that children that receive attention, support and guidance are less likely to develop stress. You, as a tutor, would need to talk to your tutees about their feelings and help them in dealing with it, if possible.

It would also be great to inform parents about the stress that you are detecting from their kids. Parents, because of busy work schedule and responsibilities, tend to oversee their children’s stress. This is why it is necessary to inform them about any stress or problems that they may have.

In tutoring, it is unavoidable that you would be dealing with different kinds of parents. There are parents that are easily satisfied, while there are others that would be extremely demanding. Everything just comes down to a single effective method, that is open communication.


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