Basic Tennis Lessons For Starters

If you are a beginner, an important tennis lesson that you should learn is how to serve. Developing this skill and learning the different ways to hit the ball will give you a competitive advantage over other players.

There is a series of motions involved in making a serve but the main objective is to hit the ball in a well-timed manner to be effective. The stroke of the serve includes how to properly hold the racket, how to throw the ball, how to position the body before the racquet hits the ball.

The flat serve, topspin , and the slice are the three basic serves that you need to know and practice so that you can use them in an appropriate time when you play the game. The flat serve or basic serve is when you hit the ball on a flat
trajectory making moderate spin. Next, the topspin is done by doing high arcing trajectory and with high strong bounce. The last one is the slice. This type of serve is made by doing a combination of a sidespin and a bit of topspin to make the ball swerve in the air following the bounce.

Here are the elements of the serve before the racquet hits the ball:

Service Stance � Adjust your stance according to the appropriate service you�ll make. Remember to have your feet shoulder-width apart, knees bent, your front foot not stepping on the baseline and it should be two feet away from the center mark.

Continental grip � This is the ideal grip which allows you to have maximum wrist action for a powerful stroke.

Ball Handling � You should hold the ball between your thumb and all four fingers.

Feet Position - Align your feet with your toes pointing toward the target area.

The Ball Toss � Toss the ball in front, slightly to the right, and a little higher than your racquet could reach so it is just in time as it reaches the ball.

Now that you know the basic elements of a serve, you can now follow these steps to develop a good basic serve.

1. Begin with the service stance and hold the racquet using the continental grip.

2. Push your weight on the ground while keeping your front knee as you part your racquet arm and your tossing arm. Twist the serving shoulder a little so the racquet arm and tossing arms align.

3. Do the ball toss by releasing the ball slightly in front of the shoulder while the racquet is facing downwards and is terminally retracted. Bend your racquet arm elbow to elevate the racquet while the left arm remains pointing at the ball.

4. While the ball is at its highest point, prepare for a throwing position by dropping your racquet and keeping your elbow high. As the ball falls from its peak, gradually drop your left arm away from the side.

5. Then, straighten your legs by pushing your weight upwards and forwards behind the racquet arm. When the ball has fallen 4 to 6 inches, hurl your racquet up to hit the ball

6. While your racquet arm is fully stretched and your weight is channeled on your front foot, hit the ball.

7. As you create a forward momentum, continue swinging the racquet in the direction of your chosen target.

8. Do a follow through by swinging down your racquet at the left side of your body while your foot slowly comes down to a finish.


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