Teleseminar versus Webinar: Which is the Smarter Choice?

A teleseminar is a seminar conducted purely over the phone while a webinar utilizes online tools, together with phone use in some cases, to conduct the seminar. Both are commonly used as a marketing strategy, but as to which one of them would be more effective for your business depends largely on your budget and needs.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Teleseminar

A teleseminar is easier to plan and conduct. As you will be making a purely audio presentation, there is no need for you to worry about the visual elements of your presentation. As long as the content is informative and entertaining and you’ve the necessary skills and tools to deliver your speech effectively, your teleseminar is sure to be a hit.

More people are also able to join a teleseminar. Even in today’s age, not all households have computers and not everyone with computers at home is computer-literate enough to understand what a webinar is, much less participate in it. In contrast, people of all ages and all walks of life are able to use a phone and almost every household has one of them.

Teleseminars are also less costly to set up since you’ll only have to worry about the phone charges. More often than not, you’ll have to shoulder the bill for long-distance charges as prospects will rarely participate in teleseminars if they’ll have to pay for the phone bill themselves. They may, however, agree to pay for a teleseminar fee, but only if you’ve sufficiently proven that they stand to enjoy a lot of benefits with their participation.

Teleseminars may have a more intimate set up than webinars, but they lack the visual impact that the latter has. Teleseminars also require participants to take down notes and voice out their questions aloud instead of simply having to type their questions – two things that not everyone might be willing or comfortable to do.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Using a Webinar

As you’ve probably inferred from above, a webinar will be more expensive and time-consuming to set up. But holding a webinar also offers certain advantages over holding a teleseminar.

For one thing, webinars do have the advantage of making a visual impression on its participants. Teleseminar hosts can only speak while webinar hosts can not make their message heard but seen as well.

Webinars give people more options to participate as well. If people can only hear and speak to participate in teleseminars, a webinar participant can simply view the live transcript of the presentation and type his question if he so wishes.

Webinars may be more costly to hold because they require more tools and advanced technology, but they can also be affordable in other aspects. For one thing, webinars using chat rooms can have guests from all over the world participate without having to pay for extra charges. Reference materials can also be sent online and for free, making it easier for participants to follow the presentation.

The Right Choice

Both webinars and teleseminars are vulnerable to connection problems and whichever you chose to hold in the end, you need to be prepared for possible connection trouble and have a back-up plan ready to keep your participants from withdrawing the seminar completely.

A teleseminar is ideal for short intimate presentations while a webinar is ideal for longer presentations and when you’re expecting a greater number of attendees. Take the time to consider your decision. Good luck on your presentation!


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