How to Choose the Ideal Teleseminar Technology Provider

Teleseminar technology is costly to purchase but affordable to rent. If the infrequency of your teleseminars makes purchase impractical, leasing the equipment needed would obviously be the next step to take. Here are a few tips to help you find the ideal teleseminar technology provider.

What You Need
Before approaching any company, make a list of the exact tools and technology you’ll need for your teleseminar. If you approach a company without having any idea of what you require, it’s easier for the latter to convince you to spend far more than you should by exaggerating your needs.

Besides offering a wide range of teleseminar tools, most providers also offer various services to make your teleseminar more effective and smooth-sailing. Their services may include but aren’t limited to tools training for your employees or personnel to operate them, payment processing, and registration as well as additional tools for reporting and recording.

If necessary, these companies can also hook you up with venues that can meet your requirements for physical meeting place. Remember to include phone services in your list!

What You May Want
There will be times when teleseminar technology providers will ask for additional tools or services you may wish to add to your list as a bonus. It’s better to prepare for this eventuality by having a list of the add-on services that, albeit unnecessary, can enhance your teleseminar.

Who to Talk to

Now that you know what you need and want, it’s time to find out which companies are best able to meet your needs. The first thing to do is ask around. Is there anyone you know with previous experience in holding teleseminars successfully? Can they give you any references? Use the Internet if there’s no one in your network able to give you the information you need.


Start with your list of requirements. Which of them meets your needs? Proceed with the costs. Now that you’ve a list of teleseminar technology providers able to meet your requirements for a price you can afford, contact them for a more detailed discussion of their services.

It is during this time you’ll be able to make a more in-depth comparison of what they’re offering. This is when the topic of free add-on services will come up so keep your ears open for them. Take their customer service into consideration as well. Are they easy to talk to and negotiate with?

Since these companies are liable to put their best foot forward in these instances, remember to take their words with a grain of salt. Use the Internet to read on customer testimonials and find out more about the things the company might be inclined to tell you.


You’ve said everything you had to say and you’ve heard everything they have to say. It’s time to make a decision. Besides the various concerns mentioned above, don’t forget to ask the most important thing: will their services be available on the time and date of your teleseminar?

Upon finding the ideal teleseminar technology provider, proceed with having your agreement in writing. Double-check the contract and be sure to read the fine print. Make sure that the penalties are clearly spelled out if either of you fails to comply with any of the terms.

Have a Backup

It never hurts to have one and if you wish to completely guarantee the success of your teleseminar, you better have a Plan B waiting in the wings just in case your teleseminar technology provider doesn’t come to scratch.


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