Host A Successful Webinar

Webinar hosting requires utilization of a special software that lets presenter bring an interactive presentation through the web. Today, numerous vendors offer web based seminar services. Software applications differ tremendously in price and features. The examples of varying features include ability to: show animation, attendee reporting and pre-registration, use audio via public internet or integrated audio conferencing, allows audience to see a presenter’s live product demo through his computer screen, present questionnaires and audience polls, answer dialogs and manage live questions during a presentation.

To host a webinar, you will need a recording, a bridge line, a transcript, an outline, an autoresponder, and squeeze page. You may want a video presentation and a slide show for your webinar. You need to decide on the visuals for your webinar at an early time. A great video presentation or powerpoint takes some time to prepare so be ready with it.

The secret to a successful webinar hosting is the preparation. Webinar is not a sure thing compared to a business which can be quite easy to pull off. You’ll need to remember that while you are not directly in front of your participants, you are still on the spotlight so the things that will apply in the traditional presentation are still important here.

Be very prepared without any stumbling or fumbling over all your materials. You can extend your reach to a larger audience rather than the traditional seminar. If your seminar is recorded, this can be your marketing tool later on.

Included in the preparation is the outline. This will ensure that the presentation will progress smoothly and goes off without any hitch. Your outline will also help you track your allotted time frame; this will also give you the sense of professionalism. You can also give your participants the outline so that they can follow you and take notes.

Hosting your webinar also needs promotion. Start with your promotions early. Make sure that you load your autoresponder and that your squeeze page is ready. Present your guests with good materials and make it easy for them. If you’ll be hosting a webinar with a busy speaker, ensure that you book his time as early as possible. Give him all the materials needed so that he will be well versed about the webinar he’ll present.

Aside from the guidelines, there are other simple tips to guide you in hosting a webinar. First is to keep a drink near you especially if you’re the presenter. You must ensure that you sound clear so you must prevent your mouth from being dry. Second, you must have a backup plan. If you’ll be interviewing a guest during the event, ensure that you have a secondary guest in case something comes up.

Third, your call length must be for about an hour only. Remember that your guests are on their homes and it will be hard for them to join the seminar for more than one hour. Fourth, you need to give clear directions to your callers since some of them will be first timers on the webinar. Teach them what to do in case of background noise; teach them how to unmute or mute and other things necessary for the seminar.

Fifth, always make your recording of the event. You can use it later or offer it to those who will not be able to make the call. Make sure that you acquire a webinar service which lets you record. Sixth is the Q&A time; to add value to your call and encourage your listeners to participate, try to have time for the Question and Answer session.

Lastly, end your webinar with the call to action for the guests. Ask them to give their feedbacks, give them assignments and a link to your special offers.

A webinar properly hosted can be a good endeavor. Since entrepreneurs are looking for productive and cost effective means to interact with staff, prospects and customers, webinars can be an excellent way to reach this goal. Turn your business into a wealthy one with frequent use of your webinars.


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