"Do Subliminals Work?" And Other Frequently Asked Questions

People who hear the words “subliminal messages” for the first time would most probably be confused as to what kind of messages they are. Well, to put it simply, subliminal messages are actually signals that are sent to the brain by registering in the unconscious mind of an individual. If you are one of the many people who are asking “do subliminals really work?”, then you’d better read on with the article.

What Are The Subliminals Telling People To Do?

The subliminals are not saying anything to people directly. As mentioned earlier, they target the unconscious that’s why they only act as emphasizers and getters. They aim to grab the attention of the unconscious mind and give significance to conscious messages that are composed of suggestions such as those in hypnotism.

Are Subliminal Suggestions More Effective Than Conscious Suggestions?

In most cases, subliminal suggestions are not as effective as suggestions given consciously. It is because the subconscious part of the mind may have the tendency to be not completely responsive to subliminal commands or complex messages.

There are only very limited and specific messages that are effective when given subliminally to individuals. Subliminals have the power to tweak the unsconscious mind and make it pay attention the signals. The difference between regular suggestions and subliminal suggestions can be seen by the way they affect the individual’s state of mind.

Regular suggestions are made of complete and very specific statement while subliminal suggestions are only composed of very short and bried one or two word phrases.

To put simply, subliminal messages tell or alert the brain that there is an important message that is about to be received. In return, the brain would then be more alert and would interpret the incoming message more comprehensively. However, keep in mind that the subliminal signals do not have the power to change the essence of the suggestion in any way.

Can Subliminals Make People Lose Weight, Stop Smoking, Get Over Their Fears, etc.?

This question is quite related to the question discussed above and the answer is still similar as above. Subliminals cannot directly make or command people to lose weight, stop smoking, free people from their fears, etc.

Realistically speaking, a suggestion presented consciously such as “Stop smoking” would most probably have a greater effect and impact to an individual rather than having the message “Stop smoking” embedded subliminally.

The point here is that not all statements, commands or affirmations can guarantee to be successful subliminal messages. There are actually a set of proper subliminals that are only said to be effective in infiltrating the unconscious mind of human beings. These proper subliminals were a result of numerous painstaking clinical and laboratory research.

Are Subliminals Really Effective In Media?

Although there has been no reported media vessel that has blatantly admitted of using subliminal messages and signals to advertise or to hook viewers, readers or consumers, there have been lots of hearsay that the media is really using subliminal messages to further enhance their production or business.

However, keep in mind that subliminal messages are not the only techniques used (if ever they are being used) by the media. It is obvious that advertisements that are overt and target the conscious mind of people are still widely used by the media. Do subliminals really work?

Do you think they can change your life, beliefs and attitudes? You be the judge.


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