Types of Wicca and their Magical Spells

Wiccans do not intentionally harm other people by casting spells on them. They do not perform sex orgies; otherwise, rare traditions include nudity and occasional sexual practices. These however, were closed to outsiders.

Those were mostly misconceptions about Wicca. Wicca is a religious belief system that worships gods and goddesses. A system similar to Taoist’ yin yang, Wicca believes in harmony with nature. Thus, it involves manipulation of nature through rituals.

It does not have a structure, but wiccans have priests and priestesses as leaders. They believe in the Book of Rede and the Law of Three Fold Return. These beliefs state that a person has the freedom to act according his will but he has to take responsibility over his actions. The second belief is similar to eastern Asia’s karma in which a person is awarded or punished depending on his actions toward a fellow human being.

There are different types of Wicca. These are 1734, Alexandrian, Celtic, Dianic, Eclectic, Gardnerian, Georgian Wiccas to name a few.

Robert Cochrane who attempted to restore the “Old Religion” developed the 1734 Wiccan tradition. “1734” is a cryptogram denoting a title for the name of the goddess. Its tradition involves meditation, chanting, channeling, and visions. Among Wiccan traditions, 1734 does not use the Book of Shadows. They do not have official hierarchical structure too.

Together with his wife Maxine, Alex Sanders began the Alexandrian Wicca. He was called the King of the Witches. They say Sanders worshipped the devil for some time. He experimented with homosexuality, magic, and healing. His Alexandrian Wiccans reflect those of Gardnerian tradition but focuses on ritualistic magic and is similar to Kabbalah.

A British civil servant in the 1950s, Gerald Gardner established his own Wiccan tradition. This tradition is one of the oldest and is considered by other Wiccans to be the beginning of Wiccan tradition. Worth noting, however, is that Gardner did not invent Wicca. He only compiled a number of spells, magic, rituals, and chants into a book called the Book of Shadows. Gardnerian tradition focuses on gods, goddesses, and nature.

Celtic Wicca is a combination of Celtic traditions, ancient Celtic belief systems, and modern religion. This kind of tradition focuses on the male aspect but later ventured on the goddesses as well to be in harmony with the nature. Celtic Wiccans use herbals in rituals, believe in divinity of creatures, practice reverence to women, and perform rituals to seek connection with their ancestors and land spirits. It emphasizes on poetry and magic.

The Feminist Wicca is the Dianic, named after Diana the Roman goddess of the hunt. Zsuzsanna Budapest in California founded the Dianic Wicca. While the Celtic Wicca focuses on male, this kind of tradition believes the female aspect is the true creative source of universe. Thus, Wiccans believe matriarchal communities exist in ancient times. Dianic Wiccans asserted that patriarchal system started the system of war. Their members were usually associated with feminine movement in the 1960s. This tradition proved that Wiccans are not ugly old hag who laughs as she stirs a cauldron. ##

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