Popular Email Scams on the Internet Today

Phishing Scams:

"Phishing" is a high-tech scam that uses spam or pop-up messages to deceive you into disclosing your credit card numbers, bank account information, Social Security number, passwords, or any other kind of confidential personal information. Identity theft is the goal of this scam.

The phisher sends you a fraudulent email that is designed to look like it was sent from a reputable company. The email directs you to a website that looks like it belongs to the reputable company, but is actually a spoof. You are asked to "update" your information here, and if you do, all that personal information goes straight to the phisher. uses this information for identity theft purposes such as making withdrawals from your bank and credit card accounts, ordering new credit cards which they promptly max out, etc.

Some of the most recent phishing attacks have spoofed the email and websites of well known companies, including eBa, Paypal, Yahoo, Pfizer, Bank of America, among others.

Work-At-Home Scams:

These are some of the more tempting spam scams. They offer those who need to make extra money the opportunity to do so, and invariably the email will state: "no experience necessary." The scammer often claims to have "inside information," and tries to bait you with the lure of quick money for next to no effort. More often than not, you are asked to pay anywhere from $35 to several hundred dollars to purchase the kits or materials that will not earn you a dime.

This scam often offers opportunities involving handicrafts, stuffing envelopes or medical billing on your home PC. If you fall for this scam, pay the fees for the handicraft or envelop-stuffing "kit," and complete the assembly of the crafts as instructed, you will be informed that your work is of poor quality and not worth paying for.

If you sign up for the medical billing "opportunity," you will be asked to purchase a list of doctors. These doctors are either fictional or do not want or need your services and never did.

Credit Repair Scams:

These scams tell promise to erase real and usually correct negative information that has been added to you credit report, so that you can qualify for loans, mortgages, unsecured credit cards, etc.

These services rarely deliver on their promise, and more often than not, will create a great many more problems in the long run. They have even been know to suggest that you commit fraud e.g. falsifying your social security number.

Guaranteed loans on easy terms:

Some email scams offer guaranteed, unsecured credit, such as a home-equity loans that does not require equity in your home, or credit cards regardless of your credit history.
This offer of credit is often extended by an off-shore bank.

This scam is often executed in conjunction with a pyramid scheme, which will encourage you to make earn money by signing up friends and family to participate in the scheme.

The promised offer of a home equity loans turns out to be a useless list of
lenders who will turn you down if you don't meet their qualifications. The promised credit cards never come through, and the pyramid money-making schemes invariably collapse.

Chain letters:

The spam email directs you to send a small amount of money to each of 4 or 5 names on a list, add your name to the top of the list and remove the last name on it, and then forward the updated list via bulk mail. Typically, the letter will claim the scheme is legal, and may refer to sections of US law as supporting proof of this. Not true.

These chain letters are almost always illegal, and nearly all those who participate in them lose their money.


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My Articles

Spam Protection - Know Thy Enemy: Viruses And Malware, Trojans And Adware
Top Anti-Spam Filter Reviews
The What, Who, Where And Why Of Spam
How Does A Spam Blocker Work?
Don't Fall For The Phisher's Bait
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Understanding Spam
The Costs Of Spam
Anti-phishing Software
How To Choose Anti-spam Filter Software
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Top 5 Techniques To Protect Yourself From Spam
The Next Generation Of Spam: Image And PDF Spam
Whitelists - The Ultimate In Spam Protection
Protect Your Kids From Spam
Popular Email Scams On The Internet Today
How To Report Spam Abuse
Spam -What Is Your Protection Under The Law?
Top Ten Tricks Of The Spammer
How Spammers Get Your Email Address
Top 5 Myths About Phishing
What Is The Harm With Spam?

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