Christian Social Networking Sites are the Better Influences for Kids

When you’re away from the computer and the kids take over, do you know what sites they go to in the Internet? For sure, one or two of these sites include MySpace, Friendster, or Facebook. People of all ages gather to these sites for so many reasons and so many purposes. These kids are exposed to so many things that could influence them. If you are a parent, you’d want the better influence so try introducing the kids to Christian social networking sites, so you can have some peace of mind.

What is social networking and how does it work?

If we’re speaking about online social networking, we are referring to these sites that host a venue or a website where a person can create his own page and get connected with others in a network. The social networking site allows the user to upload photos and videos. There is also a space for blogging so users can speak their mind about anything.

Anything you put in your profile or account can be tracked and seen by the people who are linked to you as a contact. You can also see their profile and the many activities they are doing online or off.

The concept of social networking online became a hit because people are naturally sociable. The best thing about the Internet is people can get connected with their relatives, buddies, long lost friends, colleagues, or classmates regardless of time zones and geographical borders. This virtual meeting place makes it possible to stay in touch with people who matter.

The other appeal of a social networking site is that it allows you to meet other people – strangers, friend of your friend, distant relative, or maybe a schoolmate you never got to talk to before. Online you get the chance to know them more as you see all the things he does through photos or blogs. People end up being good friends, and others even become lovers.

How are these social networking sites different from the Christian sites?

Because so many people are registered to these popular social networking sites, you can never really tell whom you are getting networked with. The Internet has grown, with it sprung a new breed of criminal minds and people with malicious intents on others. These are the kind of people we all would like to block away.

Sites that are more centered on religion are better options for us all. While there are so many other religions, Christianity is the largest religion in the world – thus, there are more sites targeted to Christians. Here are some reasons why these God-centered sites are better:

* They are smaller in size compared to the most popular ones and therefore more specific on the profile of the users.

* Contents are tailored to the people’s sensitivity and needs

* Easier to navigate than the huge social networks

* No unpleasant topics about religion

* Interfaces are almost the same as the popular sites like MySpace and Facebook – you’d think you’re in those sites!

* Safer and more youth-oriented

* Fellowship with others with the same religious beliefs

* Increase in faith as there are so many information shared about religion and values

Christian social networking sites are becoming popular and that is something every parent or guardian should be happy about. It may not be possible to watch over the kids 24 hours a day, but at least we know their spending some of their time online getting the better influences.


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