Handling Head Injuries during Soccer Training

While many soccer training sessions are completed with absolutely no injuries, many are not so successful. There are many different kinds of situations that may arise when it comes to soccer training. Virtually any part of the body may be injured when one is practicing to increase their skill and ability in soccer. However, one specific location of the body is prone to injury in this particular sports training event. That is the head. The head is used in many technique applications in soccer. Here, you will learn how to handle head injuries during soccer training.

The first thing that you can do as a coach is to educate yourself properly when it comes to injuries that you may have to handle in the soccer playing field. When studying injuries to the head, you should ensure that you understand all the different kinds of situations that may occur, the signs that they have occurred, the symptoms that may be experienced by an individual, and what you can do to assist in the individual in the way of first aid. One particular topic that you should review thoroughly as it is quite common is a head concussion.

When a person experiences a head concussion, it means that they have experienced a bruise, or series of broken blood vessels, to the brain area. This can be an extremely dangerous situation. It can be caused from a simple blow to the head from a soccer ball, or being accidentally tapped or hit by another player on the field. When a person experiences this, they may actually pass out. You may find that the individual complains of a headache if they do not pass out. They may also experience a loss in memory, issues with balance and coordination, or even become physically ill.

As the coach of the soccer training session, it is important to identify the situation quickly. You should make certain that you call for assistance immediately. It is always a good idea to keep a cell phone on hand for emergencies. You should stabilize the head of the individual and make sure that no one moves the person until medical help arrives. Only medical professionals, such as paramedics, an on site nurse or doctor or other trained individual should attempt to move the injured person.

There are other head injuries that may occur to the head area during soccer training. The two most common include nosebleeds and black eyes. If a nosebleed occurs, a person should be given a cloth and requested to sit in a position that is comfortable for them. They should then try to pinch the nose shut for just a few minutes. This usually helps to stop the bleeding that is occurring. If the nose appears to be broke, call medical help as soon as possible. If someone experiences a black eye during soccer training, it is important to give the person ice or an ice pack to place on the eye in order to reduce swelling and reduce the pain that is associated with this particular injury.


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