Contributing Factors and Subsequent Snoring Remedies

Snoring is the noise produced through vibrating throat components. This occurs only during sleep since this is when our muscles are most relaxed. Relaxation of the muscles can inhibit the passage of normal airflow since the muscles fall back to cause blockage, narrowing the passage itself.

Remedies for snoring require careful studies on the related factors that either aggravate the condition or cause the condition itself. Once the roots are known, the growth of the problems can then be stopped.

Because of sedentary life, physiological problems and too rich foods, people are more susceptible to developing conditions that lead to snores. It has been a common knowledge that overweight people are most likely to snore than the healthier ones. This is because their throats tend to be fleshier. Thus, there are more blockages that can narrow the air passages. To reverse this, overweight sufferers are advised to reduce some weights, this does not only add to the comfort but will also reduce the likelihood of snoring more intensely.

The collapse of the throat muscles due to relaxation can be an immediate cause of problem snoring. It is advisable not take any alcoholic substances right before bedtime to avoid adding up to the abnormalities in the muscles.

Among the many undesirable effects of smoking in the body is the modification of the throat cells. This change will cause mucus build up to accommodate the smoke and nicotine passing through the tract without causing inflammation. However, due to the abnormal release of mucus, the mucous membranes in the throat and the esophagus will swell, causing blockages in the small vessels in the lungs.

Sleep pattern
There are two crucial stages of sleep that can affect your general breathing during the night. The Stage 1 is considered to be the stage when one has just fallen to sleep. This will repeat when sleep is disturbed by any stimuli. The other stage is the REM Sleep or the Rapid Eye Movement Sleep wherein dreams occur.

A person who snores is most likely to have unbalanced breathing during sleeping. This may be due to the noise or the frequent grunts coming from his or her bed partner.

It is best to establish a good sleeping habit so that breathing can be regulated. All you need is 8 hours of sleep, therefore create the best possible environment so that you might get everything your body requires.

Sleeping habits
It is a common knowledge that those who sleep on their backs usually have more episodes of snoring than those who sleep on their sides. Coupled with the pull of gravity on the tongue and throat muscles, sleeping on the back creates more restful positions for the throat. Thus, if there were any floppy flesh hanging around, it is likely that the air that passes through the tract would push the relaxed muscles upward.

Sleeping at an elevated position would also provide you some relief. 30 degrees must be the elevation so that the diaphragm would be relaxed and that the tongue would be kept from falling back.

Medical Problems
Any cause of throat blockage can be a threat to your peaceful sleep. Allergies and other irritation on its tissues can cause swelling or inflammation. Large adenoids, large tonsils, excess mass on the throat and changes in the construction of the cells can clog the air passage. For these, surgery is normally advised.


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