Treatment for Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea could be a risky and pressing health concern especially if it gets further worse as the days go by. People affected by this form of sleep disorder should not worry too much. That is because there are different types of treatments that are readily available. The sufferer only needs to go to the doctor who specializes in such health problems.

It is important to note that there are two major goals for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. First, it is aimed at restoring regular breathing especially during sleeping hours. Second, treatment for sleep apnea is basically intending to relieve basic symptoms like daytime sleepiness and loud snoring during sleep. It is also a delight to most sleep apnea sufferers that available treatment for the condition could also significantly help treat medical problems that are directly linked to the sleeping disorder. Such diseases include hypertension, diabetes, and heart ailments.

Basic treatment options against sleep apnea include mouthpieces, breathing devices, lifestyle changes, and surgery. There are still no regulatory approved medicines that are specifically for sleep apnea treatment. As mentioned, the best first step to attain an effective treatment for the sleep disorder is to approach a sleep specialist or doctor and discuss the most suitable treatment option available for you.

Mouthpiece for sleep apnea is often called oral appliance. It could specifically help sufferers of mild sleep apnea. Such instruments are usually recommended to people who snore very loudly, whether they have sleep apnea or none. Orthodontists and dentists could custom-make plastic mouthpieces to treat sleep apnea. The object would help adjust the lower jaw as well as the tongue so that airways could be kept open even during sleep. However, a patient may not be spared from any pain or discomfort caused by the device. Periodic visits to the doctor would be necessary.

There are specific breathing devices available for treatment of sleep apnea. Severe cases in adults could call for the use of CPAP or continuous positive airway pressure. It is a special machine that uses a mask so it could fit over the nose and the mouth. It would gently blow air into the throat. This air would press against the airway wall. Air pressure would then be adjusted so that narrowing of the airway would be prevented and blockage problems could be eliminated. CPAP is ideally setup and installed by a technician.

To treat sleep apnea effectively, you would also be asked to brace several lifestyle changes, especially habits and daily activities. Here are some of the common changes. Rule out intake of alcohol and sleeping pills as such substances could make it harder for the throat to remain open during sleep.

Second, lose weight especially if you are obese or overweight. Third, be used to sleeping on the side instead of on the back as doing so could help keep throat open for breathing. Stop smoking. And lastly, keep nasal passages wide open all night through nose sprays and allergy medicines.

The last treatment option is the least liked by sleep apnea sufferers. Surgery is performed to further widen a person’s breathing passages. Such an operation usually comprises of shrinking, stiffening, and removing excess tissue located in the throat or mouth as well as resetting the lower jaw. In some cases, tonsils are also removed.


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