All about Sterling Silver Tanzanite Pendant Jewelry

When you think about "silver pendants", what do you think of first? Which aspects of "silver pendants" are important, which are essential, and which ones can you take or leave? You be the judge.

What makes tanzanite such an extraordinary gemstone? It could be it's unusual blue aura that seems to cause it to change in different light or perhaps it is because it is so rare that you don't have to worry about everyone having a Sterling Silver Tanzanite Pendant.

Tanzanite as a gem has only been around for about 41 years as it was discovered in 1967. The scientific name for Tanzanite is Blue Zoisite, and the only place in the world that this deep blue crystal occurs is in the Merelani Hills of Tanzania, Africa. The mining of Tanzanite is only done on a very small scale and very rarely do they find large deposits, normally only small grains are commonly found, which are then used to make Sterling Silver Tanzanite Pendant Jewelry.

The jewelry company Tiffany, around 1967, came up with the trade name of Tanzanite for this gem and within a short period of time was one of the first companies to present tanzanite jewelry to the general public. Since then the popularity of Tanzanite never waned and only grew as it captivated the public with its unusual beauty. The universal appeal of Sterling Silver Tanzanite Pendant Jewelry enchants both the young and independent as well as the discerning and mature, with its deep blue and purple tinged hue.

Is everything making sense so far? If not, I'm sure that with just a little more reading, all the facts will fall into place.

Only very few licensed Tanzanite merchants handle the Tanzanite trade and over 90% of all Tanzanite merchants are members of the International Colored Gemstone Association- ICA. Assuring that Tanzanite is only passed along reputable trade routes and into the hands of major reputable jewelers around the globe. You can rest assured that your captivating Sterling Silver Tanzanite Pendant was not subject to trade via dubious channels.

Couple this with purchasing your Sterling Silver Tanzanite Pendant from a reputable dealer and you should not have to worry about buying a counterfeit piece. To be even more confident about your choice, it's always a good idea to talk to several jewelers as well prior to purchasing your Sterling Silver Tanzanite pendant.

There are a few things that you need to be aware of pertaining to the care of your Sterling Silver Tanzanite Pendant. One of the most important is that you should never use an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner on your Silver Tanzanite Pendant as it can damage the stones. It is also best to avoid allowing your Sterling Silver Tanzanite Pendant to come in contact with acids of any kind. It is often recommended that you take a Sterling Silver Tanzanite Pendant into a jeweler and have it professionally cleaned at least once a year.

The Tanzanite within your Sterling Silver Tanzanite Pendant is a relatively fragile gem having only a value of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale, compared to a diamond that is rated as 10 on Moh's hardness scale. This makes Tanzanite not a particularly hard gem, and one that will not stand up to a lot of abuse but with a little extra care your Sterling Silver Tanzanite Pendant will last many years and provide you with long-term pleasure.

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