What You May Not Learn In College... (Part Two)

If you become a writer for any publication, private business, public entity, non-profit organization and/or large corporation that employs more than one editor, you may find that your job description, expected contributions, desired writing style and similar "guidelines" for your position - are subject to change daily/weekly/unpredictably - according to... Read More

Should You Hire a Ghostwriter?

Have you heard the term 'ghostwriter' and wondered what they do or who they work with? Although it sounds mysterious, ghostwriting is actually a very simple agreement where an individual or company hires a writer to create a work that will be owned outright by the buyer. The buyer is... Read More

Uncommon Advice for Beginning Novelists

1) Convince yourself you want to do something else. If you don't succeed, proceed to number 2.2) Write what you don't know. Write what interests you. Fiction is about emotion not personal experience--that is a memoir. Truth comes from emotion. Write with passion.3) Embrace rejections. Not literally unless it makes... Read More

Writing About Writing

What am I going to write about?Which topic is the best?Who is going to be interested in my article? You can ask yourself endless questions on 'what' is going to be the subject of your article. Don't despair! This is not a problem . Any topic will do, and a... Read More

From Book Notes to Book Reports

Writing papers and book reports has long been the bane of high school and college students' existence. It seems that no matter how hard you work to stay caught up, there is always a paper due tomorrow. Using book notes to help get the ideas flowing can save you time,... Read More

The Writing Game

There are a lot of tapes and books and CD and even videos out there that claim they teach you how to write, but how many actually offer a full 4 part course included in their manual. A course that is offered in London as part of a creative writing... Read More

Good Writing

Good writing is like sex. Two people are involved ? the writer and the reader. Bad sex usually satisfies only one person, most preferably, the writer ? the person who leads. Good sex not only satisfies both people, it pleasures them. So, like sex, writing must have all vital points... Read More

Become the Writer You Always Dreamed of Being

So you want to be a writer, except you don't know where to begin. Heck you can't even think of something to write about let alone how you're going to get paid for writing. Maybe you have gotten over those humps but can't figure out why you're not a successful,... Read More

The Power of Punctuation

Punctuation, when used creatively, is powerful. Note, however, that when I say 'when used creatively', I don't mean that you can make up the rules.I am not saying that you can write sentences that are half a page long without a single comma, full stop, semi-colon or anything else to... Read More

How to Have an Effective Writing Group

The works you've written are numerous, ranging from short stories to even the novel, hidden in a storage bin (under the bed) collecting dust. But there comes a time when you must wipe away that dust, regain your pride, and prepare your babies for publication! But, how do you get... Read More

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Is The Theme Reinforced In The Ending?

Creative Writing Tips ?By now you should have an idea... Read More

Could Your Book Idea Be the Next Best Seller?

Everyone has a unique story to tell. From explaining business... Read More

Save Time When You Write

I'm in the process of moving from one computer to... Read More

Documenting Everything: Your Journal is Your Logbook

Sailors had it for years. Great explorers had it as... Read More

Write Strategy: Think, Believe, Attack

Think of writing like karate...it's about DISCIPLINE.Writing, like other forms... Read More

Writing as a Gift

What am I supposed to give Anthony as a wedding... Read More

On Writing and Poetry: Harry Calhoun in Conversation

"This is just brilliant. The whole interview is incredible? I'm?... Read More

Memories Dont Fade Like Hair Does: Memoir Writing Help for You, Our Elders, to Tell Your Story

~~~Old age, to the unlearned, is winter; to the learned,... Read More

Graphology - Unleash Inner Personality & Talent of Child

|| Graphology & Graphotherapy ||Everybody wants to know more about... Read More

Pairs/Groups Of Words Often Confused - Part 2 of 6

BAITED, BATEDBaited usually refers to traps or snares. When the... Read More

Should You Hire a Ghostwriter?

Have you heard the term 'ghostwriter' and wondered what they... Read More

Have You Tested Your Theme Against Your Plot?

Creative Writing Tips ?How we usually begin the preparation stage... Read More

Six Tips for Submitting Fiction - if you want it to get published

You can learn a lot about what it takes to... Read More

2nd Installment on Autobiography

ESSAY 2Andre Malraux once said that what interested him in... Read More

Before You Write Your Book, Organize Its Parts - Part 2

If you are a serious writer who wants to publish... Read More

Celebrating Writing and Life

Every morning I excitedly get out of bed. Just a... Read More

Can Your Theme Be Proved In Your Story?

Creative Writing Tips ?Your theme has to be something you... Read More

The Magic of Layout in Your Story

"The Magic of Layout..."???Okay... "magic" might seem a bit over... Read More

A Writers Personal Cheer Squad

We all need a cheer squad.We all need people to... Read More

Write With Passion: 4 Steps To Emotionally Charge A Nonfiction Article

You have just completed a draft of an article. It... Read More

Pages: Your Book of Life

Many of us dream of writing a book. Why not.... Read More

A Simple Contest with a Strong Message: Wake Up Your Writing Spirit

The Blogfest 2005 Writing Contest has only been running for... Read More

Writing Business Letters That Get The Job Done

Despite the widespread use of e-mail in commerce today, traditional... Read More

What Is The Single Worst Writing Mistake?

The following answer sounds simplistic?but think about it. The single... Read More

Idea Mining for Writers 101

Want to write an article or book, but are stuck... Read More

Overcoming Writers Block

Do you suffer from writer's block? Is there a pending... Read More

Web Writing: Create Writing Flow With Four Uncommon Connectors

Connectors -- conjunctions, punctuation, and transitional phrases -- allow readers... Read More

Characters In A Romance Novel

Before you even begin writing your novel, you need to... Read More

10 Secrets For Writing Killer Complaint Letters

Complaint letters aren't always fun, but sometimes they need to... Read More

Recommendation Letters Demystified

There is a lot of confusion about recommendation letters.Recommendation letters... Read More

A Writers Life

Ever wonder what an author's life is like? What that... Read More

Should You Write a Book?

One morning, you open your inbox and find several e-mails... Read More

Writing Made Them Rich #5: Peter Mayle

Peter Mayle was born in England in 1939.His fascination with... Read More