Does Your Story Have A Theme?

Creative Writing Tips ?It should.A theme is a one-line explanation of your story.. Every story should have one because our stories are about something.When I say should, I mean that this isn't always the case. Especially so for beginner writers, who may not know, that the theme carries the story.... Read More

Documenting Everything: Your Journal is Your Logbook

Sailors had it for years. Great explorers had it as well. If you go on an expedition to an ancient Aztec mound, more than likely the archaeologist will have one too - so, why shouldn't you own one?No, I'm not speaking of the scurvy that plagued the sailors! No, I'm... Read More

Becoming a Writer

The urge to write fiction seems God given for some, a learned skill for others.One thing is certain ? it requires practice and a particular mindset. But, if you're a beginner, where do you start?The following 10 tips will help kick-start your writing habit, whether you're a complete novice, or... Read More

Write Possibilities

We writers are a powerful lot. We control time. We dictate actions. We control destinies.We can make two completely opposite people fall in love with each other, and we can create family feuds that can last for centuries.We can make our heroine travel back in time to rescue her soulmate,... Read More

Is Someone Plagiarizing Your Work?

About two weeks ago I received an article submissionthat immediately attracted my attention. The title wasidentical to the title of an article I wrote and whichwas published in 'WebProNews' in May 1999."Probably just a coincidence", I thought to myself,and kept reading. But the first paragraph stopped mein my tracks. It... Read More

2nd Installment on Autobiography

ESSAY 2Andre Malraux once said that what interested him in any person was "the human condition." Malraux was interested not so much in people's personality but, rather, in their "particular relationship with the world." He went on to say that he was interested in the "form and essence" of anyone... Read More

Is Now the Time for a Play about the War in Iraq?

Everone knows that comedy is mostly about timing. If you hit upon the right nerve (is a funny bone a nerve?) at the right time then, usually, you don't even have to be original or even marginally funny to win laughs. The audience laughs just at the reference (i.e. "How... Read More

How to Write a Short Story

Everybody knows writing a story is not easy. Like the drama or the poem, it is imaginative literature that should appeal to the emotions of the readers. Since it communicates the writer's interpretation of reality, there must be an artistic use of language to signify human experience. But how do... Read More

Writing Made Them Rich #2: Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was born in Portsea, England, in1812. His father was a clerk in the Navy Pay Office,stationed at Portsmouth. Although his job was wellpaid, his father had a weakness for spending money andspent much of his life in chronic bankruptcy.In 1824, when Charles was just 12 years old, hisfather... Read More

Trying Too Hard

If you dread the thought of writing, if you fear your desk, and if you hate your computer, then you are trying too hard.If the thought of writing makes you feel guilty, makes your heartbeat quicker, and makes you sweat, then you are trying too hard. Your writing has become... Read More

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Writing For The Web: Where To Get Article Ideas

A friend and I were talking the other day about... Read More

Becoming a Writer

The urge to write fiction seems God given for some,... Read More

Top 10 Common English Goofs by Web Authors

In reviewing and browsing web sites over the years, I... Read More

Learning How To Write

As a student of Spanish, my goal was to think... Read More

Learning to Question Your Elephant Child: Who, What, Where, When and Why

Having problems writing? I don't know why. San Francisco Chronicle... Read More

How To Become a Freelance Grant Writer

What is a freelance grant writer? These individuals have a... Read More

Five Common Errors to Correct Before Submitting a Letter or Report

First impressions count in writing too! So it is always... Read More

Nobody Likes A Rambler

We all know people who ramble. They include every boring... Read More

Groundbreaking Work

Every writer knows that the urge to write is not... Read More

How to Write Funny -- Its All About Timing

My Dad has this old joke that goes, "What's the... Read More

Proof Positive: the importance of proofreading

Last week I was having a quick browse on eBay... Read More

Writing Requires Self-Control

The only way to become a writer is to write.... Read More

Web Writing: Create Writing Flow With Four Uncommon Connectors

Connectors -- conjunctions, punctuation, and transitional phrases -- allow readers... Read More

Editing and Polishing - How Much is Enough?

A few days ago, I critiqued a chapter for a... Read More

Applying KISS Principle in Writing

I have added a new word to my vocabulary. Logorrhea.... Read More

Pairs/Groups Of Words Often Confused - Part 6 of 6

SALE, SAIL Sale is either offering something for purchase... Read More

What Is The Single Worst Writing Mistake?

The following answer sounds simplistic?but think about it. The single... Read More

Create Confidence With Your Writing

Whether you are writing a magazine article, composing a press... Read More

Mixing and Mingling: The Door to Publication?

Mixing and mingling with industry professionals is an opportunity that... Read More

The Writing Life

In the 7th grade I wanted to be an architect... Read More

Top 7 Writers Sites for 2005

If you dream of turning your book into a best... Read More

The Power of Punctuation

Punctuation, when used creatively, is powerful. Note, however, that when... Read More

The Myths of Writing: Have You Bought Into These?

There is an image most people carry of the artist... Read More

The Makings of a Personal Essay, Really

Sometimes I can be dense when it comes to realizing... Read More

Three 30 Day Journaling Ideas

Here are 3 journaling or diary ideas that can contribute... Read More

Use Real-Life Templates For Writing Success

At some point along the way, most of us have... Read More

A Writers Tools

William Faulkner, the great Mississippi writer, said, "The tools I... Read More

A Few Brief Tips to Deal with Writing Rejection

What to do when you get rejected.You've just finished your... Read More

Childrens Stories - The Essentials

There is no specific formula for children's fiction. There are,... Read More

Write On! - Key Components of Successful Business Communication

Written communication is often the first impression you make on... Read More

The Iniquitous Slip

All the famous writers I heard of could paper the... Read More

For Beginners: Ten Ways To Prepare To Get Published

(Skip directly to ten for the fastest shortcut!)Like any field,... Read More

The Cost of Being a Writer

You are the only one who knows what being a... Read More