How To Filter Description Through Your Characters

How do you describe a scene without slowing down the pace of your novel? What do you include? What do you leave out? Here's a neat trick: use your own experiences as a guide.When we encounter a new setting or new experience, all our senses are on the alert. While... Read More

And What Do You Do? ... How To Know When Youre a Writer!

It's the funniest thing. When someone asks me what I do for a living, I tell them, "I'm a writer." The standard response is, "No, really, what do you do?" Somehow, I always flounder in the conversation because I never expect that type of response.So, how do you know you're... Read More

Making The Time To Write That Novel

Finding the time to write a novel is one of the major issues confronting writers, particularly those who haven't been published yet. How does one justify to themselves, or to their loved ones, that they need time to write if they have demands on their time, like a job, or... Read More

Leveraging Your Writing

A frequent conversation I have with my writing clients is how to best utilize their writing to gain more exposure and to create more income. If there is one thing that will accomplish both of these objectives, it's learning how to leverage your writing. I suggest that you write... Read More

Story Building with Imagination

In the words of Aristotle, "happiness is self contentedness helping to make children deeply and quietly glad that they are who they are, and gives them a priceless legacy: the strength to meet life's stresses and the courage to become committed, responsible, productive, creative, and fully human adults... Helping a... Read More

How to Outline your Book and Chapters with Mindmapping

Mindmapping is better than linear outlining because authors can use flexible thinking and relativity in writing their book. One can add and subtract a thought or phrase from a mindmap easily. Mindmapping is an excellent way to start, organize, and finish your book.What is Mindmapping?Mindmapping is a color-coded outline of... Read More

Persisting With Bulldog Determination

Persisting With Bulldog Determination [Book excerpt from Successercising} by Rick Gettle © 2003-2004Ninety-five percent of all new businesses go out of business within the first five years or less.Why Do They Fail?There are many starters in life - but very few finish what they start. When the going gets tough,... Read More

Pages: Your Book of Life

Many of us dream of writing a book. Why not. What greater story can you write about than from the pages of your own book of life. Each day is a new beginning.Someone said everyone has a story. How true. Each day that passes by, is a page in the... Read More

Local Knowledge: Background and Historical Setting in Novels

You're writing a story set in your local city, but one hundred years in the past. How can you recreate the feel of the past in your words of the present? Local knowledge, that's how. And how do you get this sort of knowledge when your characters were walking around... Read More

English Grammar ? Seven Outdated Rules You Can Ignore

No matter what your fifth-grade English teacher says, some grammar "rules" no longer apply. The style mavens of our day all agree that the ability to communicate clearly and concisely takes precedence over archaic grammar rules. Stop chewing your pencils and forget about these rules. Each rule is followed by... Read More

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Does The Title Reflect The Story?

Short Story Writing Tips ?We all have different tastes in... Read More

You Dont Need Inspiration!

Or do you?Writers write. You shouldn't wait around for inspiration... Read More

7 Devastating Writing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Writing engaging articles and energizing ad copy takes... Read More

Local Knowledge: Background and Historical Setting in Novels

You're writing a story set in your local city, but... Read More

Blank Mind, Blank Screen: Need Ideas!

Q. I'm staring at a blank screen with an equally... Read More

Celebrating Writing and Life

Every morning I excitedly get out of bed. Just a... Read More

Crime Writing Beckons

If your cash is running out fast and you have... Read More

Uncommon Advice for Beginning Novelists

1) Convince yourself you want to do something else. If... Read More

Web Writing: Create Writing Flow With Four Uncommon Connectors

Connectors -- conjunctions, punctuation, and transitional phrases -- allow readers... Read More

Mama Dont Allow No Fighting in Your Writing

When you sit down to write a steamy romance, a... Read More

Best Writing Advice I Ever Got

I've been in the communications business a long time?over 25... Read More

Seven Suggestions To Develop a Superb Writing Style

Every writer eventually develops her own unique style of writing.... Read More

The Dreaded Daily Word Count

Open any book on 'how to write,' and somewhere you... Read More

Should You Do a Writing Course?

First, let's tackle the question that is uppermost in many... Read More

How to Create Incredible Characters Easily

Creating incredible characters can be easy if you know of... Read More

Plagiarism Through The Eyes Of College Students

Plagiarism has been condemned lately by all types of experts,... Read More

The Write Habit: How to Strengthen Your Writing Muscle

Writing is a muscle that needs exercise to stay in... Read More

To Transcribe or Not To Transcribe Interviews?

11 Secrets from an Experienced InterviewerOne of the unwritten rules... Read More

Why Researching Is Good, And A Failure To Do So Is Not

What a lack of research could do to you.When creating... Read More

Editing and Polishing - How Much is Enough?

A few days ago, I critiqued a chapter for a... Read More

Top Seven Essential Hot-Selling Points To Implement Before Writing Chapter One

Every part of your book can be a sales tool.... Read More

Proof Positive: the importance of proofreading

Last week I was having a quick browse on eBay... Read More

Overcoming Writers Block

Do you suffer from writer's block? Is there a pending... Read More

To Write Successful Business & Academic Communications, Learn the Architecture of a Story

Human beings seem to be born with a gene for... Read More

7 Steps to Successful Publishing

The decision to publish a book is very exciting! It... Read More

The Writing Club

Typically when falling asleep in bed at night great thoughts... Read More

Increase Your Web Traffic By Using Keyword Articles

If you have an online home based business you know... Read More

Writing Made Them Rich #2: Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens was born in Portsea, England, in1812. His father... Read More

Format Each eBook Chapter Before you Write It

Do you have a problem creating a focus in your... Read More

Reasons for Recording Your Life Story

1. No one else will do it for you.2. No... Read More

Home Business Writing Made Simple

Have you ever written a letter to a friend? Ever... Read More


The self-indulgent writer listens only to the mumblings of sycophants,... Read More

How to Write Headlines for How-to Articles

Want to write a how-to article but can't come up... Read More