Starting a Freelance Writing Career (or Thoughts About Taking the Plunge)

Nike's ad has taken on new meaning for me of late; "Just do it!" runs through my mind like a mantra. Although my dreams have nothing to do with athletic shoes and little to do with athletics (unless you count the long list of ideas I have developed which revolve... Read More

Self-examination vs Self-indulgence

Self-examination is brutally honest. Self-indulgence is brutally maudlin.Writing requires the author to be harshly candid about motive, intent, and goal, which, of course, mean self-examination. On the other hand, a lack of sincerity becomes self-indulgence, which is self-pitying.Writers must know why they are writing, their motive. Is it for money,... Read More

Have You Settled On First Choice When Choosing A Title?

Short Story Writing Tips -We've established what a title should be and we've also established your title is your selling tool. So if it can make or break the sale of your story, then we'll have to agree that it is extremely important. How much emphasis have you placed when... Read More

Writing With Power: 5 Snappy Rules For Success

Almost everyone could profit from enhancing their writing skills. From writing more crisp meta-tags ? which search engine bots find quite sexy ? to turbo-charging your blog readership by writing with punch, a skilled pen can propel any online effort in the right direction. But who has the time, money... Read More

Extreme Research: 10 Snappy Rules For Success

So you want to learn to research well, and not waste any time. Let's do it. Here are a few NECESSARY preliminary points.First, adopt an aggressive I-am-taking-over-this-place mindset.2. Develop a system for executing the research process. By creating your own rules to follow systematically, you really speed things up. Don't... Read More

Memoir Writing Help, Memoir Writing Ideas

You might not need any memoir writing help, per se, as you know your past and you know quite well how to write, thank you. You might instead just need someone to inspire you, motivate you, give you a nudge--with some memoir writing ideas.Here are a few prompts to stimulate... Read More

Freelancing Doesnt Mean Writing For Free. Does it?

Writer's forums are bustling with debate over whether or not a writer should send something out for free. Some people feel that writing for free weakens the market for other writers, while some people feel that writing is an art that should be shared freely.I personally chose freelance writing as... Read More

Another Way to Show Your Expertise: Write a Book!

Maybe you should write a book! This is not as difficult as it sounds. You're already an expert in a field by virtue of your work experience and/or academic credentials. And even more important, you are enthusiastic about your field and would like to share it.Fine, but with whom? Decide... Read More

Top Ten Tips (Part 2)

Golden Rules For New Writers - Things you need to know before you begin.Rules govern everything we do in life; even if those rules are of the unwritten kind we abide by them and expect other people to do the same. Why should writing be any different? It shouldn't be... Read More

Review of A Classic: Finneys Invasion of The Body Snatchers

To keep it simple and basic: Jack Finney's Invasion of The Body Snatchers succeeds first and foremost because it's a great story. If there was nothing else to be said about it, just that it's a great story, that should be more than enough to keep it on the bookshelves... Read More

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Characters In A Romance Novel

Before you even begin writing your novel, you need to... Read More

Memories Dont Fade Like Hair Does: Memoir Writing Help for You, Our Elders, to Tell Your Story

~~~Old age, to the unlearned, is winter; to the learned,... Read More

Check Your English Grammar With This Easy Technique

As an International language, English has been used widely in... Read More

On Giving and Receiving Feedback

Writing is a personal and introspective process. To share with... Read More

Comma Usage Made Simple

Don't they drive you nuts?You can visit all the rules... Read More

Write With Passion: 4 Steps To Emotionally Charge A Nonfiction Article

You have just completed a draft of an article. It... Read More

Five Common Errors to Correct Before Submitting a Letter or Report

First impressions count in writing too! So it is always... Read More

Using Technology to Improve Your Final Draft

One Saturday afternoon, I sat in a packed conference room... Read More

Writing - Copyrights and Trademarks Protect You

When most people consider writing a book, they don't think... Read More

How to Break In and Succeed as a Screenwriter

Screenwriting is a competitive trade. To distinguish yourself as a... Read More

Under The Leaded Sky in Serbia by dr Mirjana Radovic

When one population in one century survived five wars, two... Read More

Idea-Mining for Writers, 102

As many authors are fond of stating, "Ideas are all... Read More

Every Result is an Asset

Not long ago, I went to an Internet Marketing Seminar.... Read More

Passionate About Writing?

I'm a writing fool! 2 book proposals, 1 user's guide,... Read More

Five Tips to Find More Time for Your Writing Life

When I asked new ezine subscribers, "What is your Number... Read More

Be Concise

Concision. (Sounds like I made up another word.) It's the... Read More

Use These 3 Editing Tips to Ensure Your Writing Hits the Bull?s-Eye

The first step in the writing process is to put... Read More

Could Your Book Idea Be the Next Best Seller?

Everyone has a unique story to tell. From explaining business... Read More

A Beginners Guide to Writing a Novel

No one is born a novel writer. But do you... Read More

The Self-indulgent Writier

A writer can never be self indulgent whether writing fiction,... Read More

Write SMART: How to Create Terrific Writing Goals - And Achieve Them!

Open up your favorite calendar and circle today's date.Why? Because... Read More

The Struggle

Sometime one must coax the words out.Each day is a... Read More

How To Self-Publish Your Own Books, Manuals, Reports Or Newsletters

You can make a lot of money by writing and... Read More

Beginners Blues: How to Collect Samples, Testimonials, and References as a Freelancer

Beginner's Blues: How to Collect Samples, Testimonials, and References as... Read More

Writing Query Letters

A QUERY LETTER is written to an editor or agent... Read More

Boost Your Income With Trade Journals

Why would anyone want to write for trade journals? Aren't... Read More

7 Essential Letter Writing Strategies

Based on the feedback that I have been getting from... Read More

Keeping a Journal - One of the Three Treasures to Leave Behind

(excerpted from the "How to Use a Journal" audio series... Read More

Dont Rely on Your Spellchecker - or - The Importance of Good Proof Reading

Weather posting a page to your Website, writing a letter... Read More

Kick-Start your Juices

Listen, consider this scenario.You have a deadline to honour. Time... Read More

Message to Online Writers: Dont Give Up On A Good Idea

The writing community is a strong one, with many new... Read More

Effective Editing: It Spells the Difference!

If you think proofreading equals editing, then you're wrong! Editing... Read More

Plotting By Personality - Work With Your Natural Instincts

What's the best way to plot?Quick answer: the best way... Read More