Spirit Guide Communication ? Get the Answers You Seek

There are many energy beings available to assist us in our spiritual growth. Some of the groups of helpers are the Angels, the Master Teachers, and Spirit Guides. What are Spirit Guides and how do they differ from some of the other helpers?Spirit Guides are helpers who are here to... Read More

A Bellyful of Mindfulness

Taco Bell, the Mexican fast-food franchise, has a new ad campaign focusing on the slogan, "Get full." The commercials show people ecstatically announcing that they are full--thanks, of course, to the huge value meals now available at Taco Bell.We know that feeling full isn't simply a matter of building a... Read More

The Many Waters, Lauretta Lueck

The Many Waters explores the universe and sifts through the ancient sands to find the truth about our creation. Careful examination of writings like The Dead Sea Scrolls, The Sacred Books of The Jews, Pistis Sophia, and the King James Version of the Bible, with special emphasis on The Book... Read More

The Power of God?s Word in Your Prayer Life

Prayer. It's the foundation of a Christian mom's life. Why? Because as moms, we are one of the most influential people in our children's lives. (The other, equally influential person is their father, of course.) For good or bad, what we say and do to our children affects their self-esteem,... Read More

Jesus the Great Teacher --Lessons Learned!

I don't know of anyone who really liked taking tests in school if you did there is something seriously wrong with you. It just seemed as though some breezed through while people like myself always struggled. Life is not fair!!!! Some call it tests anxiety. I think I just concentrated... Read More

What Is The Universal Subconscious?

There are many different and interchangeable terms that are used to describe the Universal Subconscious mind. But whatever term you use, metaphysicians and scientists agree that our Universe is a field of vibrating energy. Things that are denser operate at a lower frequency, and then there are also finer forms,... Read More

Whatd We Miss?

Did we just overlook the amount of love that God has for us?His word, shown in the written form we call the Bible, tells us things that He did to show us that He loves us. Did we realize it or did we overlook it and walk away?In Hebrews 11:1... Read More

What Is Your Relationship To Time?

Have you ever thought about how your orientation to time profoundly affects the way you are in the world? Each culture has its own unique way of relating to the concept of "time". Some cultures perceive time as a room that is lived in. The "room" of time is a... Read More

Searchable by Jesus

Some people go to physics and spiritual readers for advice for one thing or another. Who can search all things and give us the truth. Lets see what the Bible say about things that are searchable. First look in the book of 1Chronicles 28:9 it says And you my son... Read More

Seeking the Sacred

People have always sought the sacred. It is the Divine within striving to reconnect with the all. We are instinctively drawn to that which is thought to be sacred. People have traveled from all over the world to walk the streets of Jerusalem, to stand in awe at the presence... Read More

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Making Our Self Real

"Self-Actualization" is the process of making our self "actual." Our... Read More

GOD Loves Us All

God, what a wonderful spirit. He, is our ever present... Read More

Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

Did you ever see something go wrong around you and... Read More

Whatd We Miss?

Did we just overlook the amount of love that God... Read More

Love and Light

Seems that everyone who writes to me signs their letters... Read More

The Miracle of Lexie Chihuahua

I would like to tell you the story of a... Read More


There is an inherent generosity in the human spirit to... Read More

The Trouble With Tarot Reading

Anything can be used for divination; coins, tea leaves, cards,... Read More

The Problem with Anger

As Christians, we know we need God in every aspect... Read More

Recognizing Self

I come face to face with self whenever you come... Read More

A Beautiful Mind is a Simple Mind!!

In the movie "A Beautiful Mind" John Nash (played by... Read More

The Truth About Lifes Challenges (Living By Zen)

The great gate is open, but travelers seek everywhereâ?? -... Read More

Spirituality: Blues for Buddha

Being critical of Buddhism isn't easy.Buddhism is the most likable... Read More

What is True Freedom?

Freedom....The cherished goal of humanity throughout its history.No society has... Read More

Spirit and the Mind-Body Team

Your mind-body team is made up of your mind and... Read More

Oceans of People

Oceans... There's water in 'em! :-)It may seem a bit... Read More

A Broken and Contrite Heart

"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken... Read More

Calling All Angels - Talking to Angels

I am a big believer in the strength of a... Read More

The Importance of Honoring Mothers and Fathers

With another year full of family events coming upon us,... Read More

Fatal Distractions

There is so much going on in the world around... Read More

Be Thankful

Some people think just by saying the words thank you... Read More

Past Life: Wanting to Know Who I was in My Past Life?

Before we tread into the domain of Past Life... we... Read More

A Crash Course in Tarot for Newbies #2: All About Tarot Decks

If you would like to learn to read tarot cards,... Read More

Allowing Joy

"Ask and it shall be given" is a phrase we... Read More

Who is God?

Since the beginning of time mankind has pondered, who God... Read More

Developing Your Intuition: Conscious Construction Using Cosmic 2 x 4?s

What's a cosmic 2 x 4 you ask? It's actually... Read More

Thank You Lord, Most Graciously

There are moments in the believer's life when the Spirit... Read More

Hard Times Can Be Your Best Time

Do you have a dream, but are waiting for "just... Read More

Gilligan Finds Jesus!

One day Gilligan ventures off as usual into the jungle.... Read More

Healing Your Life

You have everything you need: a miraculous body, a phenomenal... Read More

Living Between Two Worlds!

We are all here on this plane, thinking to ourselves... Read More

Are You Being In Service? Divine Source

Greetings Divine Ones, I am going to ask you a... Read More

Lance Armstrong had it Right-- Every Second Does Counts!

I have been counseling people on weight loss, exercise efficiency... Read More