5 Ways To Learn More About The Orisha

The Orisha are the Messengers of Oludumare, the God/dess of the Yoruba Traditional Spiritual Tradition known as Ifa. The Yoruba Spiritual Tradition is centered in West Africa in what is now called Nigeria. During the time of the enslavement of African people in the New World, known as the Maafa... Read More

Look! Its Another New Age!

There's nothing new about "the new age" except the attitude of the souls participating in it. I bet every soul who chose to incarnate into this particular historical era shook their little energy heads and said, "Oh, no! Not again!"Spiritual enlightenment is the very purpose of life as thinking, feeling... Read More

Our Virtual Reality Reality

In earlier articles entitled "We Are Not Our Personalities", "Eliminating the Past" and "Fallacies About the Inner Child" I discuss how, employing a powerful new healing modality called the Mind Resonance Process(TM) (MRP), what we call memories, child ego states (i.e. often referred to as the experience of the inner... Read More

Basic Tarot for Beginners

If you would like to learn to read tarot cards, but have no idea who to ask to teach you or how to go about it, the following tips should help you get started on your path to telling fortunes just like a pro!Your first challenge is to choose a... Read More

Spiritual Friendships

As we walk along our paths in life, we will encounter several forms of friendships. There will be friends of convenience, friends by association, and friends of the heart. Friends out of convenience are friendships that you might have simply because you both are accessible to one another. These friendships... Read More

Servants of the Antichrist

The "Left Behind" series is inspiring, in that it makes people think about serious, life-and-death situations. Yet it tends to assume that, even in the face of disaster, life for fundamentalist American Christians will center around the same values and goals that have dominated their lives up until now. In... Read More

Sure! Ill be a Millionaire! Discover Wealth and Prosperity with the Angels of Abundance

I was in the bank's vault. The Brink's armored truck had just delivered several million dollars in small bills. Bags of money waited, stacked in a pile on the small counter. Methodically, I opened each and proofed the total it contained by counting the wads. I then took each wad,... Read More

How to be Led by the Spirit of God

The Bible tells us that we need to be led by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:12-14, Galatians 5:16-25). Therefore, it is necessary for us to discern the prompting and guidance of the Holy Spirit if we are to live successful lives.Getting to know God better is ultimately the key to... Read More

Wings of a Dove

Perhaps one of the most wonderful assertions that can be made about Holy Scriptures is that it clearly shows man in all his humanness. If you really want to understand yourself, if you really desire to know who you are, then it would behoove you to study the sacred Writ... Read More

Mind Walls

Walls as a blockade seem to be an integral part of our society. Almost from the beginning of man's pilgrimage here on earth, there have been walls which have bound and imprisoned mankind. These walls are designed supposedly to protect our society, to safeguard us from taboo and abnormal personality... Read More

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The Role of the Spiritual Warrior

What power do we hold individually in the midst of... Read More


Have you ever heard something that really "resonated" with you?... Read More

A Scary Thought For Some...

What could be a scary thought for some? How bout'... Read More

Wear the Message of Grace: A Work Weeks Devotions

As the artist and designer for Ashbach Designs, I want... Read More

How to Pray and Receive a New Car - Within 4 Weeks!

Last month, one of my readers needed a new car.... Read More

Forgiveness: The Other Side

If we are honest with ourselves, we would have to... Read More

The Power of The Holy Spirit

Hello, My name is Mellody Davis and here is my... Read More

The Jabbok Experience

Jacob had sent his family on across the river Jabbok.... Read More

Out of the Closet?

We may sometimes consider the difficulty that occurs with our... Read More

Achieving Spiritual Health

Spiritual health is generally an overlooked aspect of healing. However,... Read More

?Im Not A Christian, But I Play One On Sunday

After more than three decades of church ministry, I have... Read More

The Fountain of Light Exercise

An etheric body, also known as the aura, surrounds every... Read More

Higher Self: Growing Inside of Us

Maybe once in a lifetime, we find ourselves seeking spiritual... Read More

Equal In the Eyes of God

There was a time in my life when I seriously... Read More

Anamcara - Driving into Paradise

"Let me take you down to a town called Paradise."Van... Read More

Gods and Energy

An interesting question that frequently comes up is "Which Gods... Read More

8 Ways to Plant Spiritual Ideas Deep in Your Heart

The fundamental aim of spiritual study is to get facts... Read More

Is America Losing Its Religion?

Has America known its finest hour? Are we losing our... Read More

Satan... Im Not Impressed!

One important factor in how we go through life is... Read More

Love vs. Fear - Volume 18

Breaking with tradition, today's article comes from the 9-23-04 edition... Read More

Where Are You, God?

Do you ever have one of those days when you... Read More

Let Go Of My EgGO--Pride Cometh Before A Fall!

Years ago a commercial ran for eggo waffles. It showed... Read More

You Have a Friend in Jesus

Have you heard the saying that; You have a friend... Read More

Angel to Angel

Years ago, my minister spoke to us about how you... Read More

Faith Building 101A

Let Your Family and Friends Know That You Are A... Read More

Resolutions or Revelations?

There's nothing wrong with wanting to improve ourselves either outwardly... Read More

Drifting Like a Summer Breeze

He knew it was going to happen. He wasn't really... Read More

Choosing Our Parents

There's a Native American belief that before we are born,... Read More

Moksha - Salvation Hinduism... Highlights Concept and the Path

Is it not true that only after gaining Enlightenment (Self-Realization)... Read More

The Five Essential Secrets of Managing Your Energy Successfully

Inspirational author Vernon Howard wrote, "Would you be worried over... Read More

Spiritual Marketing

Let me say that marketing can be a corrupting experience.... Read More

Two Simple Ways To Get Anything You Want

"Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure,... Read More

KABBALAH OF LOVE: The Secret Power of Ego

The Key to True Love...Do you long for love?Most of... Read More