Fishing Around For Wealth

In Feng Shui, water symbolizes wealth. The word "fish" in Mandarin is pronounced the same way as "excess". That's the reason why rearing fish is one of the most effective ways to bring you wealth so that you can enjoy a life of excess.To be able to activate the wealth... Read More

The Hand of God

There I was living in a tiny bedroom in my parent's not-so-large, five room apartment. I had, as they say, "run out of options." My life was out of control, way out. Had it not been for mom and dad's willingness to let me stay with them, I would have... Read More

Spiritual Surrender: Living a Peace Filled Life

Are you at a crossroad in your life where you want the after to be better than the before? Do you feel as though your life is not on "purpose"? Are you scared of what the future may hold for you or angry at what has happened in the past?... Read More


"For lack of guidance a nation falls, but many advisors make a victory sure." --Proverbs 11:14, NIVLove, that is the one thing that is above the law. Every single thing we do always affects someone else. This past summer my family was at the First Holy Communion of my little... Read More

Allowing Joy

"Ask and it shall be given" is a phrase we have all heard. I believe instead, "Ask and find yourself worthy of receiving."If you're like most of us, you've experienced joy, at least a little. But have you found your way to experiencing the everyday, easy flow of joy that... Read More

Just Learning To Cope

I have been thinking about this all night. I am realizing that there are more and more people dealing with anxiety. I have my opinions in regards to anxiety and I have written my own story in dealing with that. I am thinking of starting a support network for individuals... Read More

Esoteric & Occult Secrets

To understand the nature of esoteric and occult secrets it is worthwhile looking at origin of the words esoteric and occult. Esoteric derives from the Greek word esoterikos, from the root word eso, 'within' . The word occult derives from the Latin words occulere, 'conceal' and occultus, 'secret' . Both... Read More

The Magic of Tarot Card Reading

The magic of the tarot was obvious to me the first time that someone confirmed that my tarot card reading was accurate. Of course, the first time that I did a tarot reading for someone else I really had no reason to believe that the reading I was about to... Read More

Are You Homeless? Does Your Soul Have a Home?

How do you feel when you see homeless people on the street? Many of us feel disgusted when we look at them and others do not even acknowledge their existence as if they're worthless and irrelevant. Some of us even consider them as being nothing but drunks and junkies. We... Read More

What Part of Thou Shalt Not Dont You Understand?

Back in the days of the old law of Moses, God gave him a set of 10 Commandments all of which began with "Thou Shalt Not"...We today, read these and take them at face value without really considering what all is involved in them.Jesus however, came along in His Discourse... Read More

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Enlightenment, Moving to a New Level of Awareness

(Channelled)Roy, what a marvellous job you are doing on your... Read More

Anam Chara - Telling Your Story

We as human beings travelled in small bands for hundreds... Read More

Angelic Art - Alternative & Spiritual Healing Therapy

As more and more alternative and spiritual healings are being... Read More

The Importance of Honoring Mothers and Fathers

With another year full of family events coming upon us,... Read More

Learning the Secret of Contentment (Part 2)

Paul's encouragement to the Philippians is also our encouragement. Consider... Read More

Change Your Outlook on Change

Make no mistake about it, change is challenging whether it... Read More

You Are a Person of Abundance

Heaven is a place of abundance and earth is a... Read More

The Meaning of Life

Recently I was watching a re-run of "Everybody Loves Raymond".... Read More

Loving Kindness - A Meditation

The practice of meditating on loving-kindness may be over two... Read More

Your Guardian Angel

Your guardian angel is your link to the divine. The... Read More

Letting Go of Judgment - Finding Good (God) In Others

"I resolve to speak ill of no man?and proper occasions... Read More

Is The Person You Think About The Most Missing Gods Point?

Matthew 22:37-39 Jesus said unto him, "Thou shalt love the... Read More

The Two Most Important Commandments - Love

Love is mentioned well over 350 times in the Bible.... Read More

Christening and Baptism Favor Ideas

Baptism and christening ceremonies are an important event that signifies... Read More

Meditations From a Spiritual Journey

For me, the best poetry stirs my soul; it awakens... Read More

Just Learning To Cope

I have been thinking about this all night. I am... Read More

Christian Forums: The Heroic Battle Between the Forces of Good and the Demon of Anti-Access

Saturday I was hangin' ten on my Dell when I... Read More

Is Your Soul Breathing?

God made humans in his image but these days very... Read More

Two Simple Ways To Get Anything You Want

"Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure,... Read More

Christianity - Not a White Mans Religion

Christianity: White man's religion?Martin Luther King referred to Sunday as... Read More

Is It Real?

If any man be in Christ, he is a new... Read More

Integrating Soul And Science

"Spirit is beyond the void of space. This realm, beyond... Read More

Joy Of The Lord

The word means different things to different people. Is it... Read More

How Its Always Now

How do we feel the fullness of life itself?We have... Read More

Attachment - Bondage or Moha - Their Role in Gaining Enlightenment

Attachment... Bondage... Moha... state as we may but the meaning... Read More

Hold On!

Job was a spiritual man who loved and obeyed God... Read More

Life Gets Teejus, Don?t It?

Those five words are from a song that I remember... Read More

Keeping The Faith

Well I had a website that I was posting on... Read More

Confessions of a Limousine Mystic!

Observations from the Town Car... "Home James!"The bulk of driving... Read More

The Role of the Spiritual Warrior

What power do we hold individually in the midst of... Read More

Homeless, Rejected, and Poor

Fanny J. Crosby's famous hymn, "Tell Me the Story of... Read More

Jesus Christ: One Can Reach God Only Through Him - Is this Statement Correct?

Catch the express or the super fast bullet train. If... Read More


Did you ever get a feeling or gain notion of... Read More