Give Your Attitude A Little Altitude

Need a way to make your life a better place to live?Life is our perception of what it is, not necessarily the reality of what it is.Let's see if I can explain that. Life can sometimes be great, and at other times, not so great. It all depends on how... Read More

Letter of Hope from Hospital Patient

Hospital patient undergoing surgery recounts how Hero Soul provided strength, inspiration, and hope during recovery"I used to look in the mirror and only have time to take a quick glance to ensure that I looked acceptable for a full day ahead of me. At 32, I am a mother of... Read More

Decide Your Own Destiny

Human nature is created so that you can choose your destiny. In order to know your destiny you must realize that your life is in a constant state of change. The key to deciding your destiny is to be one of the few who know where you are going and... Read More

The Rat Race and Smiling Over Spilt Coffee

As if choreographed and rehearsed the night before, one lays witness to the rumble of heels, a sea of italian-crafted, waxed, buffed and protected from any Act of God footwear, tap-tap-tapping down the staircase: the mesmerizing beat of the damned.On cue, all eyes dart to the tunnel, shift to the... Read More

5 Tips on Turning a Negative into a Positive

I thought this was fitting sense I just experienced a huge negative in my life and choose to focus on the positive in the situation. For instance, when I was unable to sign into this program to get to my list of subscribers, I could have taken it in the... Read More

Why Do Some Affirmations *Work* - and Others Dont?

By definition,an affirmation is a statement repeated time and again either verbally or mentally-or written down. The words of the affirmation statement - in themselves -when spoken, thought of, or written *without* a pictorial (visualized) or emotional connection- make a very weak affirmation.Affirmations, when worded correctly -- and when emotionally... Read More

Creating Success Through Self-Affirming Thought Patterns

Everyone of us has the potential to successfully more through the unique problems that face us. Creating success often involves identifying the many ways in which we continue to think negatively - and the many ways we limit ourselves. The next step becomes acknowledging and releasing the fear beneath those... Read More

Quick Tips On Making Change Work For You

Facing a change and want to make it work for you?Edward W. Smith, motivational speaker, author and TV show host, who specializes in quick tips on how to move your life ahead even faster, offers the following advice.Change will come our way regardless if we want it or not, the... Read More

Learning From Life

Do you ever find yourself thinking, "Life has taught me some tough lessons, and the scars do not heal easily."? This article can help you learn valuable lessons from the past, instead of allowing the past to determine your future.The quality of the life we live, is based upon the... Read More

Open the Pandoras Box & Unleash your Hidden Power.

It really doesn't matter what your objectives are in this life. You breathe, live and act on a conscious level all day long... dear friend, you're...- Preprogrammed to Act on whatever They Want you to. -Who are they? They're the Thought Control Masters. Those who invade in your mind with... Read More

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Welcoming the Unexpected

As I walked my dogs recently on what "should" have... Read More

So What Is A Limiting Belief?

So what is a limiting belief?Don't you love the current... Read More

Tips on Boosting Your Self-Confidence

How you feel about yourself truly does affect your interaction... Read More

Change Your Thoughts And Your Life: 5 Simple Ways To Bring More Peace And Harmony To Your Life

When you change your thoughts, you change your life. The... Read More

Success, the Only Option

One often hears people say they can't sketch because they... Read More

Need A Miracle? Build One, Everyday!

Henry Ford, after he had achieved great success, was the... Read More

You May Not Be Able to Manage Change - But You Can Manage Your Response to It

Your response (reaction?) to change is conditioned by your entire... Read More

Living in the Moment

This week's wisdom is on the power of living in... Read More

Start Your Day on Your Terms

Most of us start the day like we're trying to... Read More

Quick Tips On Making Change Work For You

Facing a change and want to make it work for... Read More

The Enchantress Within Each of Us Returns?Making Potholders, One Stitch at a Time!

When I was little I was very busy--as I imagine... Read More

Self Confidence and the Way You Use Your Words

The way we use language can have a huge impact... Read More

10 Tips to Improve Your Self Esteem

Striving to improve our self esteem is on everybody's mind.... Read More

Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life

I was always somebody who felt quite sorry for myself,... Read More

Using Negative Experience to Discover Your Strength

"Someone was hurt before you; wronged before you, hungry before... Read More

Heal and Release the Past

I had a completely different idea for my main article... Read More

Discovering Opportunity in Times of Challenge

You may be facing a type of disappointment, frustration, loss,... Read More

Enhance Wellness by Doing Something Different.

Many people would say that it is absolute madness to... Read More

What Should You Be Committed To?

There are many dynamics that go into making a great... Read More

Managing Your OCD, Panic Attacks, and Obsessive Thoughts

There are times that we encounter fearful thoughts that can... Read More

I Know I Can, I Know I Can

I'm sure most of you remember the children's book about... Read More

How To Radically Improve Your Everyday Experience Of Life In Two Simple Steps

Can you do something for me?Tell me?Please don't think tomorrow.What?Yeah,... Read More

Change Your Focus and Change Your Results

In his all-time bestselling record The Strangest Secret, author Earl... Read More

Thanks For The Rejection!

It sounds a little masochistic, but I actually appreciate being... Read More

Why You Must Learn to Forgive for the Sake of Your Own Happiness

Your ability to forgive those who have hurt you in... Read More

Positive Thinking - Make Good Things Happen- Turn Lemons into Lemonade

The Alchemists of old worked over many years, centuries, in... Read More

Get the Confidence to Be Your Best

A confidence crisis is looming with a recent study showing... Read More

Keep Your Cool

Know your limits. Accept what you can't change and let... Read More

How to Deal with Discouragement and Develop Exceptional People Skills

Ever feel like giving up? Do you ever feel so... Read More

Learning From Life

Do you ever find yourself thinking, "Life has taught me... Read More

Using Power Affirmations on ePosters

I believe that one of the best ways to stay... Read More

Start Living Your Dreams Today With a Positive Attitude

"Those people who think they can do something and those... Read More

Decide Your Own Destiny

Human nature is created so that you can choose your... Read More