Releasing Self Sabotage for Success and Happiness in Life

Today, I wanted to mention this notion of self-sabotage.I recently studied some material of Kevin Hogans and lots by John Grinder on this topic. John is the co-creators and developers of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). John points out the differences and distinction between what he refers to as 'first-order change'... Read More

Challenge Your Perspectives

When I was a young girl, my sister and I used to visit an aunt who had a swimming pool. It was always a treat, as all we had was a small, kiddie pool and sprinkler at home. One summer, we even got to spend a whole week at my... Read More

Get the Confidence to Be Your Best

A confidence crisis is looming with a recent study showing that 3 out of 4 of us would love to be more confident but don't know how to go about it.The sheer quantity of choices and opportunities for thirtysomethings is greater than ever before and for the people polled, seeing... Read More

You Are A Winner!

You are already a winner, and so am I.Although you may not consider it to be the case, there was a time when both you and I were at the absolute peak of our physical capacity. We made all those Olympic swimmers look scrawny and slow.You probably don't remember it,... Read More

Use Your Imagination to Create the Self You Want

"Every prayer - every thought, every statement, every feeling -is creative. To the degree that it is fervently held as truth, to that degree will it be made manifest in your experience."-Neale Donald WalschIn your business and in your personal life, if your mind was a huge, blank sheet... Read More

The Power of Negative Thinking

For some reason, most people find it easier to think in a negative way than in a positive manner. It seems that some effort is needed to think positive thoughts, whereas negative thinking comes easily and uninvited. This has much to do with education and the environment one has been... Read More

How Attitude is Everything

"Most overnight successes are just plain lucky. Just ask any failure.""If the only tool you have is a hammer, all problems begin to look like nails."Here's a sure-fire prescription for how to fail in the game of life:Develop an attitude, personality and spirit that are critical, complaining, cynical and comparative.Demonstrate... Read More

Define Yourself With Confidence

As a trainer of coaches I often teach my students to move beyond the skill of coaching into the skill of self-trusting. Having great mastery of a specific skill is important, but without self-mastery all we become are manipulators of open-ended questions. Coaching is much more than that.One of the... Read More

Creating Success Through Self-Affirming Thought Patterns

Everyone of us has the potential to successfully more through the unique problems that face us. Creating success often involves identifying the many ways in which we continue to think negatively - and the many ways we limit ourselves. The next step becomes acknowledging and releasing the fear beneath those... Read More

The Power of Passion

Improving this single attitude makes your days fly by. You wake up excited to work. You make the right decisions. You get more done in less time.Improving this attitude affects everyone around you. They believe in you, trust you and want to support you.This one attitude can change your entire... Read More

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Reframing Rejection

So people will reject us no matter how good we... Read More

Anger - The Truth Beneath

The other day one of my "challenging clients" and I... Read More


Yuk!One thing, I really have a problem with is criticism.... Read More

Sexual Abuse. A Story From A Survivor.

Uncle Liam was very kind to me again. He gave... Read More

Affirmations to Improve Your Life

An affirmation is a positive assertion, a solemn declaration, a... Read More

How To Live A Life Of No Problems

For most of us our lives are a problem which... Read More

Mindfulness and Curiosity: Inspiring Affection

"I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious."... Read More

How To Reduce Anxiety When Affirmations Dont Work

Have you ever read that you should think positively when... Read More

Lifes Curveballs

Do you realize how good you have it? Yes, everyone... Read More

Start Living Your Dreams Today With a Positive Attitude

"Those people who think they can do something and those... Read More

11 Great Ways to be Positive about Change

Look for the positives!Seek them out - those little scary... Read More

Why Do Some Affirmations *Work* - and Others Dont?

By definition,an affirmation is a statement repeated time and again... Read More


What are you holding onto? Wanta quit?There are many things... Read More

You May Not Be Able to Manage Change - But You Can Manage Your Response to It

Your response (reaction?) to change is conditioned by your entire... Read More

Oh for a Really Good Day!

What's wrong with me? When I'm sick I get grumpy... Read More

The Mind?s Power Fusion Component

It is widely believed that just anybody has the intrinsic... Read More

Be Thankful for What You Have Got

Did you know that the 911 equivalent in the UK... Read More

Scary Stuff

Life can be downright scary - sometimes more than others.... Read More

Change and Transition - 10 Steps to Surviving Change Elegantly

If I say the word "CHANGE" how do you feel?... Read More

Then My Boss Said, Take That Fear And Shove It!

Hey gang; Ok it's time to create some good habits.... Read More

Universal Thought Systems Language #3

Before we are able to use the Universal Thought System... Read More

Dealing With Negative People Made Easy

I was playing tennis today with one of my tennis... Read More

Universal Thought Systems #4

Before we are able to use the Universal Thought System... Read More

Positive Things To Do For Yourself

Being a mom can take a toll on your body,... Read More

The Illusion of Failure

The most dangerous thing is illusion. ~ Ralph Waldo EmersonFailure... Read More

Strength Within

For the twelve hundred hostages, most especially Timur Kasumova.It's a... Read More

An Exercise To Open Your Mind To Your Possibilities

Everything exists twice. First, in your mind. Later, before you... Read More

Building Unshakeable Self Confidence!

One of things that Charismatic people share is an unshakeable... Read More

Decide Your Own Destiny

Human nature is created so that you can choose your... Read More

The Courage To Succeed!

The hardest part of success is the **courage** you need... Read More

Do You Love Yourself?

So, do you love yourself?Shouldn't really be a difficult question... Read More

Halt All Complaining

Have you ever thought about you have a lot to... Read More

Learning To Embrace Change

The only constant is change. If theres one thing we... Read More