The Secret to Drilling Down Deep in Your Target Market

Here's another drill ripped out of the Field Guide for my Red Hot Copywriting Bootcamp. There are 20 drills total which take 15 minutes per day (my "recruits" get weekends off). Each drill stands on its own but put them all together and the impact on your salesmanship is phenomenal!... Read More

Dont Forget The Copywriting

Copywriting And Content CreationOne of the most important, but often overlooked aspects of marketing is copywriting. Businesses afford much attention, time and money, on graphics, mail formats and all of the website bells and whistles. But the copy--what is said about the businesses product--is often left to the end, receiving... Read More

On Copying and Stealing Designs

The notion on the great artist, Pablo Picasso's quote, "Bad artists copy. Good artists steal" is lost on many. And revolving around the graphic designer circles is the quote "Good artists copy, great artists steal" known as Picasso's quote, still. Anyway, it might just be safe to assume that Picasso... Read More

Writing for People and Search Engines

Writing for the search engines is much different than writing in any other medium. Search engines are finicky, but they love text, so you're talking their language. When writing your web content, it's important to keep the following three things in mind.1. What You Want the Reader to Do: While... Read More

Write Hard-Hitting Headlines With Magic Words That Sell

Writing a killer headline for your copy is simple! You just need to follow simple dos and donts that make or break a headline respectively. If you think you have tried them all, check this out....TOP 9 POINTS TO FOLLOW:1. Stress on ADVANTAGE, RESULT, BENEFIT, PLEASURE, or VALUE2. EMOTIONAL headlines... Read More

How to Write Carrot-Wielding Copy!

A significant reason behind websites that fail is the lack of an effective direct response sales message. Such a message is comprised of three elements (it must be):Captivating (it captures the reader's attention) Riveting (it pulls her into reading further) Engaging (it calls her to act)How can you incorporate those... Read More

11 Reasons Not to Hire a Freelance Copywriter (and Why Theyre All Poor Excuses)

Think you can take the Copywriting Challenge on your own? Allow me to convince you otherwise! Here are eleven reasons why business owners typically choose not to hire a writer, and my argument for each.Excuse 1. "Why pay someone else when I can do the writing myself?" Next time you... Read More

Creative Copywriting?

There is a difference between creative writing and copywriting. It took me a while to come to terms with this but it's true, there is a difference. When I first started my home based business on the Internet I read a lot of advice about publishing articles and doing copywriting... Read More

Some Copy Tips From An Old Hand

I have been in the ad game for a long, long time. I have trained hundreds of writers, and I've been responsible for moving of millions £ & $ in product worldwide. Here are just a few tips that I hope will help you do a better job, and make... Read More

Top 3 Rules for Writing Effective Copy

One thing all successful Internet marketers have in common is that they're good copywriters. If you want to have a profitable online business, you need to know how to write a copy that motivates people to buy your product... a copy that sells!In this article, I'm going to reveal 3... Read More

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Touching the Prospect?s Emotions in Your Sales Letter

Your prospect has emotions? and you MUST touch these emotions... Read More

How to Write a Direct Mail Fundraising Letter (Four Tips for Fund Raising Success)

1. Address your reader as a friend, not as "Friend."When... Read More

Can Honest Copywriting Succeed?

I confess--I'm a marketing heretic! I've built my career on... Read More

10 Eye Popping, Jaw Dropping Ad Copy Secrets

1. Use a hand written letter on your ad copy... Read More

Sowing the Seeds of Opportunity: How to Multiply Your Freelance (Writing) Work

You can turn your $200 fee to write a press... Read More

Copywriting Secrets Of Indias Mystics

Hi everyone,Been ruminating on this one for a little while... Read More

12 Copywriting Tips to Make Your Advertising More Profitable

Year after year people make the same mistakes in direct-response... Read More

Writing Great Website Sales Copy

Many small businesses fail because their owners don't pay enough... Read More

Memorable Sales Copy -- How to Write it

Want to know the secret of creating MEMORABLE promotional copy?... Read More

Three Tips For Magnetizing Your Copy

The difference between good copy and great copy is the... Read More

How To Write Headlines That Grab Your Prospects Attention

It doesn't matter if you're writing an article, a newspaper... Read More

How To Take Your Freelance Writing Chances

Your initial freelance writing assignments are the best way to... Read More

3 Copywriting Tips - How To Edit For Mass Appeal!

Web copy that's intended to sell or generate leads needs... Read More

3 Steps to Great Copy

Nothing irritates me more than being told that there are... Read More

Help, Help, Help, Sell

Here's a fundamental difference between copywriting offline and copywriting for... Read More

5 Ways to Instantly Improve Your Copy

1. Isolation technique It doesn't matter how good your... Read More

How to Write Profitable Ads

Regardless of how you look at it, the most important... Read More

10 Things You Should Expect From Your Website Copywriter

As websites and electronic commerce are becoming more and more... Read More

More Insider Secrets to Great Copywriting - Judging Your Target Market

This week we're going to reinforce the training that Recruits... Read More

Power Keys To Writing Power-Packed Marketing Copy

In order to maximize your sales efforts and fully seize... Read More

How You Can Proofread Your Own Work

Putting out a high quality product is a given these... Read More

Copywriter Trick Unveiled: How to Write Better Copy Faster

"Talent alone cannot make a writer. There must be a... Read More

Traffics Nice... But Whos Driving?

In the competitive marketplace of the new millennium, the demand... Read More

8 Reasons to Outsource Your Copywriting

Thinking of hiring a staff writer? Think again. Below, I... Read More

Making Your Purpose Your Business Step #4 - Organizing & Developing Online Content

If you have done your homework then you are ready... Read More

Long Copy vs. Short Copy? If You?re Still Debating This, You?re Missing The Point!

I've seen this ongoing debate debate jump up again recently... Read More

Want a Sticky Site That Sells? Forget Content!

An interesting debate is currently raging among copywriters, web designers... Read More

So Youve Decided to Hire a Freelance Copywriter - A Guide to the Collaboration Process

Whether you're an executive or a small business owner, chances... Read More

7 Steps You MUST Take Before Writing a Word of Copy!

Copywriting ChecklistOkay, you know you have your product (or service)... Read More

How to Write Ad Copy that Sells

When I write copy for my advertising clients, I always... Read More

The Number One Copywriting Technique That Makes Your Prospects Read Every Word You Write

How does this sound?Today, I'm going to show you how... Read More

Sales Headline Copywriting ? Two Quick Steps to Success

Get a Good Start for Sales SuccessThe headline to a... Read More

Four Simple Steps to Improve Your Sales Copy

You know what it's like, you're reading the sales material... Read More