How To Write Direct Mail That Really, Really Works!

So, you have something you want to sell. It may be a product, a service, or a cause. It could be a membership, a subscription, or a motor car. It might be paper, health products or the idea that the humane society or the Alzheimer's association is worth giving money... Read More

Stop Chasing Away Customers! Bad Copy is Your Worst Enemy

Every day, more and more of us begin new online business ventures, hoping to make a better living or just a little extra on the side. And every day, more and more of us fail.This may seem like a negative attitude, but unfortunately, it's the truth. The Internet is a... Read More

11 Reasons Not to Hire a Freelance Copywriter (and Why Theyre All Poor Excuses)

Think you can take the Copywriting Challenge on your own? Allow me to convince you otherwise! Here are eleven reasons why business owners typically choose not to hire a writer, and my argument for each.Excuse 1. "Why pay someone else when I can do the writing myself?" Next time you... Read More

The Biggest Mistake Copywriters Make

Most of the sales pieces people ask me to rewrite seem to offer great products and services. In fact, some of their offers are so good, prospects would be crazy to turn them down. But they do. And these sales pieces end up falling in my lap because they're desperately... Read More

Freelance Copywriters on the Internet: How to Tell the Difference Between Heaven-sent and Hack

If you're hunting for a good freelance copywriter and have never done it before, or if you have but find yourself needing another for the first time in a while, I don't envy you. This "brave new" e-world has turned your once straightforward search of a neatly stacked file of... Read More

7 Formulas for Articles That GET READ!

Many of us have been asked to write an article at one time or another. Maybe it's a contribution to the company newsletter. Or a promotional article to gain publicity for ourselves or our companies. Some of us write articles regularly for clients.No matter why you're writing an article, it's... Read More

Who is Your Customer?

When you want to sell something?anything? you need to first know who is going to buy it. Why? Because your ad copy has to be written to that person.You should actually picture a real person and write to them. It might be someone you know or someone you know about.... Read More

Buy My Book for $27 and Ill Give You Bonuses Worth a Gazillion Dollars!

Subhead..How to bundle for valuable results without devaluing your productI almost clicked. Really, I did.The ad copy was compelling, the content focused. This was exactly what I was looking for. Yes, I was convinced I had found just the eBook I needed to add to my e-library.Credit card in hand,... Read More

How To Get Started With A Career In Copywriting

Careers in copywriting are booming. Could it be that the new and ever growing market on the Internet has helped to fuel this demand? You can bet your sweet keyword that it has! With so many businesses looking to the internet for their freelance copywriters the demand for employees keeps... Read More

10 Tips for Writing Web Copy

One of the most important aspects of a website today is the webcopy - sometimes called the sales letter.In days gone bye, banners and graphics were all important but now it's the words that do the selling.This short article will give you some pointers about writing good webcopy.You must know... Read More

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When Panic Attacks Writers

If you write for a living, you deal with deadlines.... Read More

Online Promotion Beats Traditional Ten-One

While traditional marketing can work for the book author or... Read More

Bullshit Avoid the use of the word Bullshit

It is important in this new paradigm of political correctness... Read More

3 Ways to Increase Conversion Rates

In a previous article I talked about a few similarities... Read More

Why Your Advertising Copy is not the Most Important Part of Your Ad

If you own a shop in the middle of the... Read More

How To Get Started With A Career In Copywriting

Careers in copywriting are booming. Could it be that the... Read More

SEO Copywriting: 7 Tips

So you finally built a website for your home-based business.... Read More

Copywriting Makeover: Making An Emotional Connection - Part 2 of 2

In part one of this article series we began looking... Read More

3 Copywriting Tips - How To Edit For Mass Appeal!

Web copy that's intended to sell or generate leads needs... Read More

The Power of Saying You Can

If you have children, you will doubtless remember saying to... Read More

Website Promotion: 10 Secret Motivational Triggers That Make People Buy

Unless you know the secret motivational secrets that make people... Read More

Writing for People and Search Engines

Writing for the search engines is much different than writing... Read More

Sales Headline Copywriting ? Two Quick Steps to Success

Get a Good Start for Sales SuccessThe headline to a... Read More

Tech-writers: A Necessary Evil

New to tech-writing, or thinking about starting? The key to... Read More

Hooks, Lines & Sinkers

Hands up if the title to this article made you... Read More

Welcome Informed Criticism of Your Work

When you come to 'know' something, there is a temptation... Read More

3 Steps To Better Sales Copywriting

Whether you're wet-behind-the-ears or a seasoned copywriter, your craft will... Read More

How to Negotiate Rates with a Freelance Copywriting Expert

Lots of people who seek out my copywriting services are... Read More

Can You Become a Freelance Copywriter in Los Angeles?

Is it out there? The chance to be a freelance... Read More

Working on the Internet: Role of Proofreading and Copy editing OnLine

When one is in a creative state, rarely can one... Read More

Six Reasons You Don?t Need a Technical Writer (and Why They?re Dead Wrong!)

I know, I know. Times are tough. You have to... Read More

A Quick Free n Easy Content Writing Course

I do not pretend that a one-stop shop solution to... Read More

Killer Business Headline Templates - So How Do You Write Killer Headlines in Minutes? You Cheat!

According to Branding and Advertising legend, David Ogilvy: 5 times... Read More

Knowing Copywriting Basics - How To Get Ahead In Your Copy Writing Business

In order to get ahead in your copy writing business,... Read More

How To Find Freelance Copywriting Jobs

Your goal is to land a few nice, secure freelance... Read More

The Second Most Important Element of Your Ad... after the Headline

Hi {FIRSTNAME Friend},Next time you're flicking through your local newspaper,... Read More

Tomorrow?s Clichés Today

I went to Google and entered a couple of different... Read More

Writing For Sex Markets

Many professional freelancers will go their entire career without ever... Read More

10 Tips for Writing Web Copy

One of the most important aspects of a website today... Read More

Engage Your Customer ? Write About Benefits

Think quick. In 10 seconds, can you list the 5... Read More

Writing Benefit-Driven Web Copy ? 4 Steps to More Sales

You've identified the benefits you offer your customers, but how... Read More

How Not to Write a Press Release

Several years ago, when I was working for an agency,... Read More

Advice From Successful Freelancers: Starting & Maintaining A Freelancer Career

For the e-book, Advice from Successful Freelancers: How They Built... Read More