How To Discover Hidden Talents Within You And Begin Appyling Them In Your Life Now

Have you decided it may be time to start creating some new excitement in your life? If you are now retired, soon to be retired, or just now reaching those "golden years" do you feel your life has become a little dull? Uneventful? Maybe even a little discouraging?

After all, when you reach this period in your life, your routine may have changed, your energy may have dwindled and even your drive may have simply slowed down a bit. So if you are not happy with this situation what do you do about it? Well here's something to think about that could just change the whole picture.

Over the years all of us have developed certain talents. Probably more of them than you might believe. You may have dramatically excelled in some of those at a higher degree than the average would have. Maybe today you no longer use those talents anymore because they were either career related or you just lost your excitement about them. You may have even forgotten about them now and they could have even become hidden for years.

Well so what! What's this got to do with creating some excitement in your life today? Plenty. Because you might not realize how much joy you could create in your life restoring these talents. You may not realize what you could do with these talents to help yourself and/or others enjoy life even more. See if you can dig out some these talents now and apply some of those in your life today.

OK so what if you are interested in doing this. What do you need to do to bring these to the surface once again? Here's one way; "Brainstorm." Select a time and place where you can spent some quiet time by yourself and relax. Now think back to your childhood days, your early school years, your high school and/or college days, your military service, your first job. Think all the way up to your adult years.

Then try to remember what things you were good at doing? What got you excited? What turned you on? What were the activities you enjoyed doing the most with family and friends? Were you a promoter, a good communicator, a good listener, a terrific athlete, a dancer, a singer, a musician? What did you excel in at best? Think, think and think some more. Then apply them in your life now and watch your enthusiasm skyrocket.

In my book "Absolutely Senior" I talk about how some of my earlier talents resurfaced and how I was able to apply them in my life to bring me more joy than I ever realized. What a thrill it has been. What great benefits it has provided me and others in my life. You might not realize this but by doing this simple exercise it could not only help you enjoy life more but also be the best medicine you could take to keep your mind off your illnesses, your problems and/or challenges or anything you may be facing that's unpleasant in your life.

This could be just one step closer to learning "How To Have The Best Time In Your Life For The Rest Of Your Life".

Go for it!

Want to learn some more about my ideas? Then go to my website and have a look right now at:

Sonny Julius is a 74 year old retired sales supervisor, Prior to his sales career he spent 30 years in the family florist business. Becoming dissatisfied with that business he decided it was time to leave it and pursue a sales career. His interest in the internet eventually led him to write an ebook geared to senior citizens. The ebook is a guide for living the senior lifestyle.

In addition he offers a Free 20-minute no obligation phone coaching session to anyone interested in enhancing his or her present lifestyle. Email for more information:

Sonny Julius, President of S A & Associates, is devoted to teaching senior citizens "How To Have The Time Of Their Life For The Rest Of Their Life" For more information go to:

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