Bullshit Avoid the use of the word Bullshit

It is important in this new paradigm of political correctness to tone down the language a bit. In this present period if you use such words like Bullshit, even when you are describing something that definitely is complete and total BS; it makes you look just as bad as what ever you are describing. Personally I could care less because something that is BS needs to be called what it is; after all why let the people who tout such malarkey get away with it.

In the old west we use to call it like it was; we called an ace, an ace and a spade, a spade. That is what it was, so that is what you called it.

However in this new world with whiners everywhere and political correctness you can be made to look like a fool for telling the truth. You will be called unprofessional for calling someone a liar or calling the words of a liar, bullshit. What is interesting is that the bullshiter is trying to stand on a pillar or podium of ethical and moral high ground and trying to have you believe their bogus notions do not stink. If you point out the BS'er is lying or full of bulloney or baloney, you are taken to task and told you are unprofessional. Which is better in my opinion than being an out right liar. However why be any of those things. Simply change your vocabulary a little.

In previous periods folks used other terms to describe complete and utter nonsense, as bullshit was not so prevalent. There just were not a lot of bulls around so the crap from them was so spread out, it did not pile up and stink in the humid air. Sparsely released piles of manure were spread over large areas and no one really used the term. They used other terms such as: humbug, poppycock, tommyrot, hooey, twaddle, balderdash, claptrap, palaver, hogwash, buncombe (or "bunk"), hokum, drivel, flapdoodle, bullpucky, etc..

When describing things that are bullshit such as this article, I often use terms like minutia, bull or BS instead of the proverbial bullshit. Oh and on occasion when you simply cannot describe the enormity of the crap being fed and you chose to use this word bullshit against my advice, be sure not to hyphenate it; bull-shit. That makes you look unprofessional, ignorant and too broke to afford a decent dictionary or copywriter, which you might want to look into either way. Think on this BS a while.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs

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