Life Coaching for Success and Fulfilment

We live in a world of rapid change and uncertainty. Nothing is as it was even ten years ago. This means there is major pressure on all of us to change, everything is speeded up; we have to learn fast or risk being left behind. All areas of life are affected. Relationships lack commitment, health can no longer be taken for granted, financial security can disappear over night. Careers are insecure, global security is challenged and stress is at an all time high. We have more choices in life than ever before. So how do we find stability and manage choice in this fast changing world?

I believe each and every one of us is here for a Divine Purpose. The Creator has a divine plan for your life. A tiny drop of water may seem lost in the vastness of the ocean, but it still has an essential role. We can forget our Divine Purpose in the midst of the changes and challenges life presents, but we still have a divine role to play in the theatre of life. 'The Creator has given you great potential what are you doing with yours?' this is a question I often ask myself and my clients.

Life Coaching is a powerful means of organising your life and reaching your potential. A rapidly growing world requires new solutions. Life Coaching can help you re-connect with your Divine Purpose and assist you in making choices that bring stability, success and fulfilment to your life. Often we say we have priorities yet we don't know what they are and therefore can't stick to them.

During an initial consultation I learned that Paul's priorities were spirituality and family. Using Life Coaching skills we quickly found out that although spiritual life and family were most important, more time and energy were in fact spent away from his family working in a stressful job that he no longer found satisfying. The stress of course came home with Paul, making him not a very nice person to be around. Paul often arrived home after his children were in bed and was so tired himself he simply ate his meal and fell asleep in the chair. I introduced Life Coaching strategies to help Paul turn his life around. It meant taking risks and asking Paul to trust in his Divine Purpose. We spend time working on a life plan and Paul developed the courage to leave his job and move forward with his life. Two weeks after leaving work, Paul landed a dream job closer to home. He recommitted to his family and spiritual life and is now much happier, more fulfilled and a better husband and father.

Coaching recognises that success is different for each person and addresses the balance of career, family and friends, home, finance, spirituality and health, without health how we can we fully enjoy life.

Coaching was once the domain of athletes, sportspeople and high-powered executives. Coaching skills have always been used for getting people to the top. Now coaching has come off the field and out of the boardroom. It is available in the homes of all people wanting to win in life. Coaching is a relationship between two people, a Coach and Client; both are 100% committed to the clients' success. Sessions take place mostly by telephone and email, so no one has to leave home. Life Coaching offers a holistic approach to fulfilment and success in all areas of life. Coaching has been described as "A powerful relationship for people making important changes in their lives."

In my Coaching practise I work mostly with professionals who are undergoing difficult life changes and want solutions and results quickly. I work to Reduce Stress and Maximise Success.

Five steps for Reducing Stress and Maximising Success:

1. Alone Time ? create time each day to connect with the sacred, even if it's only for a few minutes. Have quiet time in nature, meditation or prayer. This relaxes your mind, refuels your body and helps clarify and focus your thinking. Also schedule at least one retreat a year to re-charge and take charge of your life.

2. Purpose ? have a vision for your life. Where do you see yourself in 10yrs, 5yrs, 1yr, from now? Begin to clarify your vision. How does your perfect life look? Dare to Dream. What steps can you take to make your dreams reality?

3. Planning ? if you are not planning for success you are planning to fail. Plan with the precision of a child who knows exactly when to ask and how many times a request must be repeated in-order to achieve success. Don't let fear steal your dreams.

4. Action - Don't waste energy waiting until all your excuses dry up. Take action now and make the REST of your Life the BEST of your life.

5. Support ? Identify what support you need. Get your team together and your dream will come together. Avoid unnecessary struggle by getting support from family, friends and expert help from a Professional Coach or Business Mentor.

Every day we wake and take breath is a Divine Blessing. Life is a precious gift and you are alive for a Divine Purpose. When you take time to connect with the unchanging essence of life, an inner stability develops. And when you live on purpose the decisions you make bring success, fulfilment peace and harmony.

Caroline Shola Arewa
Motivational Speaker, Life Coach, Author.
For information about Coaching Sessions and Retreats please email Shola Arewa

Caroline Shola Arewa
Creating EASE is an energy-based approach to work-life balance. We work with individuals and organisations on achieving more Success and less stress in our 'I need it yesterday' world. Shola is a Health and Success Coach, Motivational Speaker and Author.

Visit our website and sign up for your free 7-day e-course on Creating EASE and excellence in your work and personal life. Working with you to achieve Success without Stress.

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