7 Effective Ways To Boost Your Self Esteem

1. Get a life purpose statement.

A well thought out life purpose statement is a powerful way to boost your self-esteem. It will define who you truly are, draw out your essence and affirm you. Whenever you read your life purpose statement, you will be reminded about who you are, what you represent and what you intend to accomplish in life.

2. Take personal development courses.

Investing in the acquisition of knowledge and education will boost your self-esteem many levels higher! This will give you control over your life and you will gain self-confidence that will prepare you to face and deal with anything that comes your way.

3. Take action. Do something for yourself.

Start doing something for yourself. Take positive risks with your life. Don't live your life in chains. If you want to start a business?do it. Don't live other peoples dreams. Live out loud, live your dream, do something that you feel is important to you. Make sure you accomplish it.

4. Socialize

Involve yourself actively in matters that interest you. Join clubs, networking organizations, associations or groups of similar interest and participate actively. Being part of a group gives you a sense of belonging, acceptance and appreciation. Knowing that you are part of something important and meaningful, does a lot to boost your self-esteem.

5. Stand up for yourself.

Don't allow people to put you down and don't allow other people's expectations to thwart what you are capable of becoming. Don't put up with people or situations that negate all the positive things that you can do. Stand up for your dreams!

6. Volunteer to help the less privileged.

Volunteering will give you a sense of fulfillment, accomplishment and appreciation. Giving yourself in service to others is one of the noblest things to do. The look of gratitude on the faces of those that you have helped is enough to boost your self esteem

7. Set personal goals and accomplish them.

Living aimlessly leaves you with a feeling of emptiness and confusion. Goals give you a sense of purpose. They steer your life in a particular direction. They make your life purposeful. Accomplishing personal goals gives your self-esteem a big boost.

About The Author

Caroline Jalango is a life coach for unstoppable women who are willing to step up to the plate and take a shot at living exceptional lives wherever they are. www.motivationzone.com


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