7 Tips for Writing Winning Resume Cover Letters

Writing a good resume cover letter is something you should seriously consider when preparing to send off your resume to potential employers.

Here are seven important cover letter writing tips:

  • Address the individual by name. If you don't know their name then use: "Dear Sir or Madam" or "Dear Human Resources Director".

  • Attract attention with a strong opening paragraph. Create impact. Give them a reason to keep reading about you.

  • Refer to your enclosed resume. Be specific in describing your skills, experience and accomplishments. Use actual examples of things you've done.

  • Let the employer know what you can do for them. What can you bring to their organization?

  • Keep the letter's tone of voice positive and professional. Be persuasive but don't come off like a cheap used car salesman. Remember to ask for the interview!

  • Double check your spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. Have someone proofread the letter.

  • Sign your letter and keep a copy for your files.

    Writing a strong cover letter will help you (and your resume) stand out from the crowd. Hopefully, your cover letter will give employers a reason to pick up the phone and invite you to that all-important job interview.

    About The Author

    Copyright 2004

    Donna Monday writes employment related articles for http://www.get-a-job-interview-quick-tips.com.

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