Why you should be using RSS

RSS opens up a whole new channel of communication between you and the browsing public. If at the moment you do not have an RSS feed then there is a whole community of people who do not know about you. Isn't it time you started to publish an RSS feed, here are a few reasons to get started right now.

If you do not have a feed then you can't submit it to the many RSS directories that are out there. That means you can start to publish to a whole new group of people. A list of directories and tools to get you started can be found at http://www.newsniche.com/.

The good news is that it is not going to take up much more of your time to publish an RSS feed. There are many software products, maybe even the one you use now, can automatically generate an RSS feed for you. Why don't you go and check. If not then there are plenty of other free and low cost products that make it very easy to publish a feed. You won't need to learn any new skills to do this.

Did you know that your content in an RSS feed makes it easy for other webmasters to publish your content too. Just imagine you content on other sites linking back to you. And all this happens without you having to do anything else, all you need is an RSS feed.

Still not convinced. Then how about if I tell you that the major players on the internet such as Yahoo, MSN and Google are starting to pay serious attention to RSS. At the moment it's almost an RSS arms race to be the number one RSS player. You can bet that your competition is using RSS.

Unlike email, RSS is guaranteed to be delivered to your readers. Your RSS feed is contained in an XML file on your server so it is fetched by the users RSS reader or feed aggregator. That means there are no spam filters of other servers between you and your visitors.

The greatest feature of RSS is that the user is always in control. That means they are confident and comfortable with using RSS. They can unsubscribe with one click and be totally confident that they will be unsubscribed. If the user is reading your feed then they must really be interested with what you are publishing.

Allan is the webmaster at http://www.newsniche.com/ an RSS resource for webmasters. Learn how to use RSS to attract and retain visitors to your site.

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