Tips On Writing A Killer Sales Letter

Writing a sales letter doesn't have to be that difficult all you need is the right writing style and some tips to knock out a killer sales letter

Benefits The first thing you need to do is focus on the benefits the reader will find useful. Tell the reader what's in it for him. Promise them increased sales, better skin, better results in writing a resume or whatever it is that you're selling. Tell them how your product can help them. Don't beat around the bush and get right to the point. Stick to benefits, facts and features. Whatever you do don't be vague it will turn them off.

Give additional benefits. Show additional value other than main benefit. Give product/service features. Support benefit promises with product/service facts. Show how your company will help him. Don't start sounding arrogant and brag.

Writing Style: An emphasis should be placed on "you" and not "I". Use words like you and your, so that the reader feels you are writing for him. Write clearly. Make sure your reader doesn't have to think about what you're saying. Your main points must be understood immediately. Make yourself believable. Make sure your claims or representations appear to be realistic and believable. Don't promise a 200% increase in sales because most people won't believe it even if it's true! You must be able to back up your claims. Use repetition; repeat benefits throughout letter. Present the same ideas and benefits in different ways.

Ask for action. Ask the reader to place an order, return the sales envelope or the sales card or phone for more information. Give reasons to act now. For example: Make your offer time sensitive a limited supply, two-week sale, and special purchase. Most sales letters fail to do this.

Understand that people are emotionally motivated. They want to:

  • Make more money

  • Save money

  • Do a good job

  • Experience love

  • Have a satisfying home life

  • Get something for free

  • Look good

    Use simple graphics to get the reader's attention:

  • Bullets

  • Dashes

  • Check boxes

  • Numbers

  • Asterisks

    Some Things To Remember When Writing Your Sales Letter:

    Put yourself in the reader's place. Note your reactions while reading the letter. Have your friends and associates give you their honest opinions. Don't tell them you wrote it! For some reason they think it's bad manners to criticize their friends. Look at their reactions if they roll their eyes then you need to rewrite your sales letter. If they ask you, "Where can I find this?" You got yourself a winner! Listen to any and all comments. Re-write any parts that turn others off.

    Be logical when you state your argument. Don't try to fool them with outrageous claims that border on the fantastic. Your readers are too smart to fall for such trash.

    When you begin writing your sales letter try to accentuate important statements using:

  • Underlines

  • Exclamation points

  • All capital letters (Careful here don't over do it)

  • Highlight with a second color (Yellow)

    The very last thing that should appear on your sales letter is the P.S. Remind your customers of the time deadline and the limited supply of bonuses. Urge them to pick up the phone and call or order immediately. Your P.S. is often read first by customers. So entice them to read the letter by mentioning the free bonuses and the limited time offer. Remember to put a P.S. (post script) on all sales letters.

    Sample P.S.

    P.S. At $29.95 the Super Car Wax is an incredible bargain reserved for past customers only. Act now, and get a bonus super car glass cleaner yours free! While new customers are forced to pay $39.95 for this one of a kind car wax you get it at significant savings! Act Now by calling 800-123-4567

    About The Author

    Copyright © 2001 Andres Munoz Andres publishes the "MyBiz E-zine" newsletter featuring articles about Promotion, Internet Marketing and Home Business advice and tips. The MyBiz reader will receive an article rich e-zine with few ads. To subscribe visit and download your 4 free e-books.

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