How to Create Stories that Sizzle

How to Start Your Story with a Bang

The purpose of creating a story is to create a world that will draw the reader away from their own. In order to do this one must create suspense, drama and mystery. Your reader must absolutely need to get from page to page, to find out what happens.

There are several simple techniques to get your story going and draw the reader in. Here are just a few:

1) Start in the middle of a problem.

Ex. A lover's quarrel, a murder, a personal dilemma

2) Start with an unusual environment

Ex. Alice in Wonderland, the beginning of the final frontier, a journey to a new world

3) Start with action

Ex. A gun has just been fired, A woman is deciding whether to jump or not, A hospital ER being mobilized

4) Start with a feeling

Ex. The soft silk slid across her skin, as she finally slid into his bed.

Hot coals burned his stomach as the bullet tore through him.

The rich velvety feel of chocolate on her tongue was the perfect end to a dreadful day.

Don't spend the first day bogged down on details, unless they are absolutely crucial to understanding your story. Even then, save descriptions for later in your story, if you can. Get the reader hooked first, then you can describe the rich incandescence of his eyes or the exact color of her house. Remember your story should be like life, fast paced, even at a standstill, and utterly surprising.

About The Author

Caterina Christakos is the author of several how to books, children's stories and countless articles. To view more writing tips and get some homespun advice visit:

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