Writing the PDA Way

When we think of writing it triggers many thoughts and visions depending on our framing. It could trigger a lone man with a full astray, unshaven, staring at an old plunking typewriter with white blank crisp paper waiting in anticipation for his words.

If a mother or younger, it could conjure up an image of a 30-something woman typing away on a keyboard with an apron on, in between making formulas or getting ready for work, still dark outside. Pounding on the keys because the flow is there, just as the light from the window begins to change, trying to get as much onto the page before the kids need her attention.

If you grew up in a Catholic school in the 50s, writing could mean perfect penmanship and a rap on the knuckles if you didn't.

The times have changed, thank goodness, and now children grow up with memories of learning to cluster and freewrite. To allow whatever needs to flow appear onto the page. There are more books than ever on creativity, and how to play and embrace the craft new everyday. It is a freeing time for writers.

Yet, three principles prevail no matter what your association to the meaning of writer appears. They are PDA, for short. No, not the PDA you carry around in your pocket. But the PDA a writer needs to carry around in the heart.

P=patience D=discipline A=action

The patience to allow our writing to mature with practice. To push just enough to keep us uncomfortable yet still allow us to keep trying.

The discipline to sit still long enough to get it started and completed. The discipline to keep picking up the pen, putting another sheet of paper in the printer, or buying new keyboards because the last one certain keys just plain gave out.

Action to keep the vision and dream alive for one more time, one more word, one more story, one more meaning.

Remember, the next time you want to write more or write better. Don't pull out your PDA from your pocket, but pull out the ones that really count from your heart. The ones that truly affect your ass(ets), patience, discipline, and creative action.

Catherine Franz is a Marketing & Writing Coach, niches, product development, Internet marketing, nonfiction writing and training. Additional Articles: http://www.abundancecenter.com blog: http://abundance.blogs.com

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