How to Start Losing Weight and Keep Losing Weight

I have put off writing a motivation article because of two reasons: 1) There is a glut of articles out there already; 2) My philosophy is so simple, I didn't think it justified an entire article. I was amazed at the incredible number of articles on the net and in the news that dealt with motivation to diet and exercise. Everybody and her cat have written about ways to trick yourself into exercising or changing your frame of mind, or making the exercise or diet more enjoyable. I can't compete with that sheer volume, but what I can do is make my Best Weight Loss Program for Men complete by including my tip for motivation to exercise and diet.

Defy Gravity
Gravity is pulling you into the grave. The heavier you are, the more pull Death has on you. So try to become Weightless, like me. I usually phrase my philosophy in a positive way, saying, "If you lose weight, you will feel better and live longer and be able to evolve, defy gravity!" But that doesn't work for most people. So I have to yell: "Lose weight or die!"

Every day you have to ask yourself if you're going to contribute to your own death by overeating and being lazy. Or are you going to do something to prevent that? I can hear you saying it, and you're right: Nobody lives forever. But most men wait until they've been diagnosed with cancer or diabetes to make a positive change in their lifestyle. When you're staring at your doctor who tells you that you may only have 1 year left to live unless you eat better and start exercising... then you decide that life is worth extending. I'm terrified of that. You should be too. Why not make sure that meeting never happens?

If you've read my Obesity Statistics article, then you already know the risks. Every day experts are finding more ways that being overweight is a hazard to your life, just take a look at the news.

Here's the list:

  • Diabetes (type 2, the preventable kind)
  • Heart Disease
  • Several Cancers, including:
    • bladder
    • lung
    • oral cavity
    • pancreas
    • stomach
    • small intestine
    • larynx
    • lymphoma
    • and every man's favourite: prostate
  • GERD: gastro-esophogeal reflux disease (chronic heartburn and acid regurgitation)
  • The recent discovery of a link to Alzheimer's disease

It Is Easy to Stay on a Diet
Unless you actually have an Impulse Control Disorder (talk to a psychiatrist), you CAN stay on a diet. The second you have a cookie in hand, just think of it as poison. It may not kill you right away, but it eventually will. Diet or die!

Here's a diet secret that I normally would never mention: the diet products you can buy from my online store are pricey. If you need another form of motivation to stay on a diet, consider paying for it. If you don't use the program, you're wasting the money you spent to buy it. Use the products, so that you know it was money well spent. If you're just buying your groceries like normal, you might not eat that salad because it's cheap to throw it away. If I gave you my products for $1, you might give up on them in a few days just as easily, and you'd never find out how great they are if you use them consistently for one month.

Too Fat to Run?
Do you think that your weight is preventing you from exercising? If you read my article Exercise: Essential carefully, you know you do not have to start jogging right away. You can start your exercise regimen by walking for 30 minutes every day. If you cannot do even that, then it is even more important to start a diet right away. If you can jog, but feel embarrassed to do it, because you think people will laugh at you: Get over it. Exercise or die! Do you know what I think when I see an overweight person jogging? I think: "Good for him! He's saving his life. He's improving himself." I also feel a little guilty, because I end up thinking: "If that big guy is brave enough to struggle like that, I must be such a wimp to skip a workout." Believe me, if anyone snickers at you for exercising, they're losers.

It Is Easier to Die
I will not deny that it is easier to die: to lay around, eat chips and wait for an early death while watching TV. When you exercise, they call it "working out" because it is work! Staying on a diet takes some self-discipline, I grant you that as well. If you have a death-wish, by all means, take the easy path. But do not try to pretend that having those extra 50 pounds is okay. You're just lying to yourself.

It makes me so angry to see overweight people who aren't doing anything about it. I am Weightless, and I still exercise and keep a diet. If I have the motivation just to avoid gaining weight, how much more reason does the obese man have? Is it harder? No, it should be easier, because he is the one in real danger. I am not. I could put on 10 pounds, and my mother would think I look healthier. But I run. When I do intervals, I pretend that there's huge dog chasing me who will kill me if I can't outrun it. And I run for my life!

So, that is all the motivation you should need: Diet or Die. Exercise or Die. Run for Your Life!

Live, Evolve, Become Weightless
This article is my simple philosophy on weight loss motivation. Now that you're motivated and have a simple way to stay motivated, read the other articles on my site to get all the details on the best weight loss program for men.

David "Mr. Weightless" McCormick is the founder of Weightless Products, which is dedicated to providing free articles and advice for men to lose weight fast and promote health. Wait Less for Weight Loss, visit The Best Weight Loss Program for Men today.

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