Medical Conditions That Inhibit Weight Loss

Weight loss can be a difficult goal to achieve. Some inhibitors include poor planning, low motivation, and lack of knowledge. These can be over come easily. Other conditions may be a bit more difficult to compete with.


Pain can inhibit your ability to excersize either a little or it can inhibit it completely. If you plan on exercising and are experiencing pain, use a little common sense: If it hurts to do it, don't do it. Sometimes your pain can be a symptom of years of inactivity and starting slow and easy is preferred. In other cases you may want to consult a physical therepist.


This will require that you see a doctor and get the proper medications. Low thyroid or underactive thyroid will cause a low metabolism. Most of us are aware that the metabolism dictates how much energy your body burns. A doctor can work with you and help you find the exact amount of medication required to balance your thyroid activity. Some exercises can help balance your thyroid. Consult a physical therapist for help with the exercises.


Unfortunately diabetes and overweight conditions go hand in hand. Most people who have diabetes are overweight and need to monitor their blood-sugar levels. If insulin levels are too high it will promote weight gain. It is highly recommended you work with your doctor closely when using insulin to regulate blood-sugar levels. If you use diet and exercise to control your blood-sugar levels you will achieve your goals more readily.


If you are having trouble reaching your weight loss goals, it may be attributable to the Prescription Medications you are taking. Some medications that contain steroids will cause you to gain some weight. Other medications like anti-seizure drugs and psychotropic drugs may also inhibit your weight loss efforts. Work with your doctor to find a medication that will do the job needed without obstructing your weight loss goals.

Steven Rook writes for as well as other sites.

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