Fast Weight Loss ? The Importance of Low Body-fat Levels!

My name is Greg Ryan and I am a high profile fitness expert. In twenty years of being a personal trainer and health club consultant, I am frightened at how fast the health of Americans is deteriorating. You are being eaten alive from the inside out by diabetes, heart disease and obesity. And the scary thing is either you do not know it YET, or you are in denial of the problem.

You have a choice to make and you better make it soon, before it's too late. Is this a scare tactic? You bet it is! I am very tired of patting people on the back who walk into my clinics and want something for nothing. I'm frustrated with listening to people make excuses for not exercising and eating right. Your weight gain and high body fat levels will comes down to three things; denial, pride and laziness.

My responsibility as a high profile fitness expert lies not in if you like me, or even if you buy my e books. My responsibility lies in giving you straight talk. You want quick fixes to your health problem that has taken years to develop. You think you get them by purchasing gimmicks that promise you fast results. You fall for it, and at the end of the day you are more frustrated than every. Why? Because you are denying the root of your problems.

Promises in fast weight loss programs is part of the problem with Americans having high percentages of body fats. People, they do NOT work! Quit wasting your money on a false hope! The ONLY way of dropping good weight (fat) is to balance your lifestyle with, exercise and better eating.

NEWS FLASH: The problem with Americans body fat levels is not with the exercise programs out there, it is the lack of fitness experts helping you with your approach combined with lack of responsibility.

Body-fat is the over all percent of muscle to your body weight. If you are close to thirty percent you are clinically considered to be obese. Over forty percent of you are obese. And sixty percent of you are over weight just asking to get diabetes.

Do you know if you just lower your body fat levels 5 percent you will decrease your chances of heart disease, diabetes, strokes by half? Not to mention the greater quality of life you will live. Is your image of yourself so bad that you would rather be fat than to feel good?

Here are the main ways to lower your body fat levels:

#1: Lower your fat intake in your daily diets.

#2: Get a full balanced exercise program started: walking, weight training, and stretching.

#3: Take basic vitamins

#4: Lower stress levels

#5: Quit making excuses

So I ask of you, I beg of you, start exercising today. Make better choices in your food groups. If you need help I can help.

START LOSING WEIGHT THE RIGHT WAY FOR GOOD TODAY! FREE MINI COURSE click here Discover the common sense way to lose weight with out dieting that the doctor's DON'T want you to know. Greg Ryan is a best selling author, former employee of Kathy Smith, and high profile fitness expert.

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