Dieting? Upgrading Your Non-Conscious Mind ? Part 2

To upgrade the current software in your brain you can create external cues to help remind you and reinforce that changes.

Create external upgrading cues with all 5 senses involved. Some types of external programming are:

Mental visualizations and movies
Actual photos and movies
Written out goal achieving scripts
Subliminal and auditory declarations
Subliminal visuals and visual cues
Kinesthetic Input

We are still on the process of upgrading your non-conscious mind and RAS. Again, you can create some or all of the above external programming to help reset your non-conscious programming. You can actually use movies of when you were slim. You can view yourself being thin. You can generate computer images of you being thing. You can post photos of people's bodies with your face on them around your environment.

You can write out your declarations and goals (written in the positive and now achieved state) and read and look at them every day. You can create subliminal programming, both of your own and others with auditory and visual means. You can create kinesthetic reinforcements to help upgrade the hardwiring of your brain. You do not need to do them all, but you need to do some of them if you want to make a permanent difference in being thin and healthy.

A note on mental pictures and movies. If you cannot see the picture of movie in clarity the first time, great. Every day when you imagine the same picture and same mental movies, the pictures and movies will become clearer and clearer. The more detail you will see and the more vivid they will become. When you first begin you are literally creating those details. So to come up with all of the details immediately is something your body and mind have not learned to do yet. You have never "exercised" that muscle to do so.

So every day when you are seeing the same mental pictures and movies, you will add more and more detail onto what you had the day before. So even if you do not see defined pictures and movies when you first start, keep seeing the same picture and movie and adding a little more detail every day.

Create these external cues to help you keep focused and aware of what you want.

The biggest secret to unlocking your true power from within -- Not only to being thin and slim, but in all areas of your life. This idea and article are covered in my free e-course, on Dieting and Eating Healthy. Go to to sign up for the free e-course. Do you want to be Sexy, Slim, Slender and Healthy for Life. Dr. Jamie wants to help give you this with his "non-diet." He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to "ethically bribe" you into helping him make his new book, "The Ultimate Non-Diet" a #1 best seller. For details go to:

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