Fat Does Not Make You Fat

Fat does Not Make You Fat. One of the other huge myths is that fat makes you fat. It doesn't. When you eat fat, your body has to break it down into its little building blocks and then absorb the pieces. The fat you have in your body is not the same as the fat you eat. In fact, the fat naturally found in whole foods is fat you actually need for your body to function properly.

Essential Fatty Acids are the name given to the types of fat that you need to eat. This is why they are called essential. Your body cannot make them, you must eat them. And these essential fatty acids are only found with fat that naturally occurs in whole food. What are these essential fatty acids used for in your body? Well, literally everything. Every cell in your body is partly made up of these essential fatty acids. To breathe, to have your heart beat, to run, walk, think, to make hormones, to remember anything, you need essential fatty acids for all of these and basically, to live. And if you don't eat them in the food you eat, your body will not function properly. And the only place you can find essential fatty acids is in food that has naturally occurring fat in them. So if you try and cut fat out of your body, you will actually be causing harm and not really be doing anything to get rid of the fat already in your body.

So what is one of the main causes of being fat. Sugar and refined carbohydrates. NO, not again with the sugar, you might be saying. Yes, Sugar and refined carbohydrates are really one of the main causes in many problems we as humans face today. You can pretend it is not true, you can believe it is not true, but no matter how you try and avoid it, sugar and refined carbohydrates will still negatively impact you whether you want them to or not. And whether or not you believe they will or not.

How does sugar and refined carbohydrates make you fat? It is really simple. You have a relatively set amount of fat cells in your body. It is just a matter of how big your fat cells are. So what affects the size of your fat cells? Sugar. Because glucose is what is stored in your fat cells. And there is a little "gate" that controls the movement of sugar in and out of your fat cells. And the key to this little gate is insulin. Insulin is the key that opens the gates to the fat cells and allows excess glucose in the blood to go into the fat cells. So if you never eat anything that raises your blood sugar levels beyond normal, your body will not release insulin, and you will not get bigger fat cells.

The body releases insulin to lower blood sugar levels that are too high. So Sugar and refined carbohydrates are actually what is one of the biggest contributing factors to why people are overweight.

The ironic part of all of this, is that when you get food that has "artificially" been made to be low fat, you know what they usually put in when they take out the fat? Sugar. They usually add the very thing that contributes to people being fat when they are trying to make something that many people think is helping them not be fat. Fat does not make you fat. In fact, you need the essential fatty acids found in fat to live. Sugar is one of the biggest contributing factors to what makes you fat.

The real truth about sugar and refined carbohydrates. I share this and more with you in my free e-course that this article is a part of. Go to http://www.HealthyEatingDiet.com to get the full e-course. Dr. Jamie wants to help give you Permanent Results with his "non-diet." He is also giving you dozens of valuable free gifts to "ethically bribe" you into helping him make his new book, "The Ultimate Non-Diet" a #1 best seller. For details on the book go to: http://www.TheUltimateNonDiet.com/free

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