Can Water Really Help You Lose Weight?

I believe that water not only helps with weight loss, but is also one of the most important things to keep in mind when trying to lose weight. Here are just some of the reasons why everyone should be drinking at least eight glasses of water day.

- Naturally suppresses appetite

- Increases metabolism

- Reduces stored fat deposits

- Improves kidney function

- Decreases fluid retention

- Helps muscles maintain their tone

- Aids in the prevention of sagging skin after weight loss

- Rids the body of excess waste

- Regulates bowel movements

- It's Free!

Aren't these enough reasons for you to start drinking your full daily intake of water?

I started drinking 9 glasses a day, and I noticed a difference over night!! I lost five pounds in the course of one day, and it's stayed off. The key is to keep drinking water, or you will see the weight come back. For every 25 pounds you want to lose, drink an extra glass of water.

Now, even though we have most of a day to suck back all that water, it is actually more difficult that you might think. So here are some tips to help you make sure you get your daily intake:

- Make an appointment with your glass of water. Schedule certain times of the day to chug back 8 ounces at once. After you wake up in the morning, on your way to work, during a commercial, etc.

- Have a water race with a friend or family member. The extra competition will help motivate you.

- I bought a big 1.5L bottle and made sure I drank all of it before the end of the day. If I didn't, I told my co-workers that they had permission to dump whatever was left on my head.

- Before drinking that coffee or pop, force yourself to get another glass of water down. You will probably not even want anything else after that.

- When you go to the bathroom (and you will be going frequently at first), refuel yourself with another glass before going back to whatever it was that you were doing. - Measure how much water you need in a bottle or measuring cup, then you can see your goal for the day.

- I played a game with myself while I was doing a puzzle. Every time I fit a piece into the puzzle, I would have to take a drink. It seems pretty silly, but it worked. I do puzzles pretty fast, so I downed almost 2 glasses in less than a half hour.

Use these ideas, or come up with your own tricks to help you reach your goal. You will notice a difference right away. I know I did. I felt better, I could see my stomach shrinking, and I found myself snacking less. It really works!

Cassandra Germsheid is the owner of where she helps mothers learn about their health, and share tips and information about their babies. She is a stay at home mother, but sometimes works part time for the local newspaper.

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